Ovarian Ultrasound

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Just a quick update for those who know that I was having an ultrasound of my ovaries yesterday. Apparently nothing showed up on my ovaries or womb, so all well there. Still having pain, but will go back to GP and see if we can have it investigated further. Could be bowel problems, only time will tell.

I am mightily relieved as it was preying on my mind (as it does!).

A wee celebration was had lol.

Christine xx

p.s. Never did get that blood test as the GP says it's difficult to get from the foot and a Ca125 test isn't used as a diagnostic test anyway. Only if something had shown on the ovaries would a test be required, so got off lightly there too lol xx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Christine, So pleased for you, bet you enjoyed your celebration.

    Best wishes  Sue  xx

  • FormerMember

    Hello Christine,

    What good news for a change - you must be relieved - and now need to find the cause of your pain. I hope it is found to be something simple and nothing sinister. Take care,

    Love, Rose x x x

  • FormerMember

    Thank you everybody. I was certainly relieved. Strangely enough my daughter is going through the exact same thing right now. Her scan was clear also. She has had two caesarian sections in the last few years, so her cause could be scar tissue.

    Teresa, I'm sorry to hear your scan results. Hope all goes well for you.

    Christine xx

  • FormerMember

    hi Christine,  know this was 2 yrs ago but what did your pain turn out to be? I have been experiencing pain on right side for every date for 3 months now,

    Ultrasound did show a small fluid filed cyst on my left ovary and just fluid (possible cause burst fluid filed cyst) GP says nothing to worry about and shouldnt be causing me any problems (but the pain remains). so I too am wondering if it bowel related , bowels a little softer than usual but otherwise ok (sorry to be so graphic). going crazy now and feel I am in a bad mood all the time - just started on actimel (read somewhere it may help) - anything worth a try!!

    . just want to find out what exactly is causing the pains. :)  going to go back to GP ask for further test - starting to worry I may be making myself worse worrying.!!! 

    any advice very welcome. )
