One year without dad.

1 minute read time.

Well, tomorrow (Sat. 9th) will be one year since dad passed away. Today was mum and dad's wedding anniversary. They had been married 43 years. I had stayed overnight with dad in the hospital and went to the car in the morning to bring up the flowers I had got him to give to mum and the last thing he said to me was, "You're an awfy lassie". I left him soon after and didn't see him alive again as he passed away next morning unexpectedly.

Like others have said before, it doesn't seem like a year. I guess we just try to get through each day the best we can and before we know it, time has passed. I still dream about dad most nights which I love because he is so alive and well in them. I do know he has cancer in all of my dreams, but mostly I am saying to him that he looks so well perhaps the docs will be able to do something now, give him treatment and perhaps cure him. If only! He didn't even get the chance to start chemo, albeit it would probably only have given him a little more time with us, but we'll never know.

I am coping relatively well, thanks to the antidepressants I am taking. I was supposed to go for bereavement counselling today, although I'm not sure I still need it, but decided to go anyway as I had been offered it. I say supposed because the address I thought I was given (in a telephone call) was not where I thought it was to be. So, off I set on a wild goose chase to another 3 places where no-one had heard of me. Obviously, my reputation doesn't go before me as previously thought lol. Don't know what I will do next. I might pursue it or I might just leave things for a while and see how I feel.

Tomorrow we are all heading to the cemetery to lay wreaths, then going for a family lunch to the local pub. Afterwards we are all coming back to my house to watch the Grand National. Dad loved the National so it will be really sad without him here. We've always made a family day of it.

Love to all. I hope you all have as good a weekend as possible.

Christine xx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Christine

    How nice that that you dream about your Dad, I have only had one dream about my Mum since she left us which was lovely, but I want to dream about her every night and see her beautiful smiling face!!

    Hope today goes well for you, will be thinking about you and your family,

    Take care, love Ann xx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Ann, thank you for your kind words.

    I didn't dream about dad for a while, but do so most nights now, which I find a comfort. It's as if he is still with me.

    I am also lucky in the respect that I was looking for some of dad's friends recently online and came across a video on youtube. Dad was a campaigner for tenant's rights and the video was about a campaign which took place in Glasgow about 7 months before dad passed away. I got the shock of my life when dad appeared on screen and was talking to the interviewer. I broke down in tears, but know that I am lucky that I will always be able to see and hear him whenever I want.

    Best wishes, Christine xx

  • FormerMember

    I remember reading that Christine, I commented on your post at the absolutely lovely for you to watch and a treasure for you to keep for ever....

    It's so unbelievably hard without our darlings isn't it....much harder than I ever imagined...

    Take care, love Ann xx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Christine,

    No you will always miss your Dad but nice that you have found some comfort, both in your dreams and the coincidence of finding the youtube Video.

    Raise you glass tonight and try another drop of your dad favourite tipple, sure he would approve.

    Love and hugs

    J xx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Christine ,

    May you have a good day with the family. May your Dad R.I.P.  Look after yourself.

    Take care and be safe Big hugs Love Sarsfield.xx