Hello, me again!

Less than one minute read time.

Hello again everybody. Firstly, I would like to say a big thank you to everyone who has sent me messages privately and  on site.

I have had time to consider my decision to leave and think I might have been a bit hasty, so have contacted admin asking them to leave my account open.

Will see you all around. Hope everyone is as well as can be.

Christine xx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Christine, glad you are staying. The site would be poorer without you. You cant change anything by leaving so you stay and keep plugging away. I just wish Graeme would return as well, you both help so many people face up to their fears.

    Love Bill xxxxxxxxxxxx

  • FormerMember


    Re the photo`s taken at Littlecote House Hotel.

    The guy in the suit of armour ( I called him The TIN Man)

    stands in the hallway 24 hours a  day.

    Asbo Mick and I decided he would make a nice background for our photo`s and take some of the attention away from our ugly mugs!

    I thought you might take a fancy to him!!!!     Alex