Staring at the bowl of tomato soup

1 minute read time.

time 21:27. Never blogged before, dont know how i should do it? do i do it like a star trek log captain? if thats the case i would like scotty to beam me up. Trying to do it whilst i eat tomato soup. Not sure how succsesful this will be. This may end abruptly and unfinished if i spill it on the keyboard (and yeah that is a high probability!)

Didnt realise i could write my feelings down in a blog. I have 5 months of trauma, tears, happiness, love, arguments, sulks, cuddles, Kisses, scaryiness, hospital appointments, pukiness and side effects i need to get off my chest. 

Rewind to Dec, Mr M got a sore neck. Like a pulled muscle. It will go away we thought. it did not. One small lump later a nurse diaganosed a 'gland' that will for away in a couple of weeks. How she knew this over the phone is quite amazing. She celarly had her crystal ball out. Two weeks later Lump doubled in size, insisted on a Dr appt, Dr takes one look and refers to hospital. Oh dont worry we think, this must be a blocked thyroid or something, cant be nothing more, your young fit and healthy. Fast forward 5 days.  Sitting in front of a nice consultant. Questions asked, Tube shoved up hubbys nose and more questions asked. Was asked to stay for needle into lump for biopsy and ultra sound. Start to feel worried, then tell myself that they are being over cautious. Hubby has ultra sound and needle, appears out of room looking bad, Sits down and whispers to me; 'thats it Babe we are in real trouble now'. They want me to stay for needle straight into middle of lump. They have serious concerns.' Feel Sicker still but Reasure hubby that they have to cover there arses. Leave armed with another appointment for a fortnights time. 

will type some more later; the soup is getting cold. 
