A Blog For Carers: The Uninvited Guest

1 minute read time.


Hello, my faithful readers. I know there are one or two of you.   Are you there?  Are you awake?   

Here is Buzzie's thought for the day - I would like to see if it strikes a chord with other carers ...

Do you remember me saying that my husband and I had entered into the parallel universe which I think of as the ‘cancer world’.  Until recently I assumed we had entered this world together.  In a sense we had – this disease affects us both.  But in another sense we entered into this world through completely different doorways. 

I had thought we were journeying together through this parallel universe but in a very obvious sense we are not and can not.  In fact, there is a yawning gap between our experiences and it is one we have not been able to talk about.

So I am going to try another metaphor.

In our house we are finding ourselves having to live with an invisible and very unwelcome guest, a guest who is with us all the time, hovering over everything that we do and who, like all uninvited guests, is particularly present at mealtimes. 

I have been scouring the world for almost a year to find the ultimate weapon which will send this guest into oblivion:  shiny weapons devised by the clever people in white coats, and subtle potions from the purveyors of miracle cures which promise to attack this guest from within. 

And as I witter on about some rare nut oil from the Amazonian rain forests that is the latest miracle cure, and stir a little more turmeric in the soup, and blend the raspberries into the smoothies and remind him to take his tinctures that come all the way from China, I realize that I am on the sidelines- the real struggle is playing out between this uninvited guest and my husband.  And he is not talking about this battle, and I feel hopelessly ill-equipped to help.  

But I can, at least, take the dogs for a walk in the rain.  Just as well I have recently bought  some shockingly unglamorous weather-proof gear for just such an eventuality.

Walking the dogs in wet weather, like unblocking drains, had always been my husband's job ... 


  • FormerMember

    if all else fails as a patient.......head ...sand...bury, comes to my rescue.....handy seen as the beach is just across the road from me....

  • FormerMember

    Morning Buzzie

    If only we could show the uninvited guest the door!  All we can do is block the opening for as long as possible.  I tell people that it feels like I am on a continuos roller coaster.  In times of crisis it speeds up, then, panic over, slows down, but never stops for me to get off.  

    Hope you have a good day



  • FormerMember

    Sorry - something weird has happened to the order of these blogs ...

  • FormerMember

    I cannot quite understand how the carer copes, I was the patient, no choice in the matter, nothing to decide, just had to do as I was told. The carer is the rock, the one with strength, the one who puts up with all the moods and  'downers'. The carer is the motivator, the main cog in the wheel.

    I salute all carers, thank you to you all.

    Bill xxxxxxxxxx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Buzzie

    I have always 'lovingly' referred to hubbies unwanted additional part as 'the squatter' as it broe into our lives, uninvited and unwanted, caused damage and although now gone has left the potential of a return visit... just like squatters!

    Our squatter has also moved us into a parrallel world that moves alongside albeit at a different pace to those not introduced to squatter, that part is hard enough to deal with but not insurmountable as ther are so very many people this side that understand and become friends that truly understand.  

    The squatter in it's mindless manner, has also build the glass wall between us too which is harder to deal with as the glass wall is sound proof sucessfully distorting and modifying messages from one side of this wall to the other.  we can still see, 'hear' and touch but the channel of communication are badly distorted.......  the path we embarked on together many moons ago when we were uninitiated in this world and that had been one has also been divided by this squatter !