Bren sprays the Mac door hinges with WD40 and looks in after a long time away.

2 minute read time.

A truly sad event prompted me into logging in to mac. Alan and I met a few times, along with Reneesha for pub meals and enjoyed a couple of nice afternoons solving the problems of the world and pondering on the choices between ice cream or apple pie. A close neighbour of mine lost her husband after a marriage of about 50 years and I still remember her comment to me about him - "He was a good man" so simple and eloquent but saying everything it needs to. My impression of Alan was that he was also "A good man"


Reading back on my previous blog entry I see that I mentioned the tale of the hernia and a visit for the 6 monthly peep at my bladder, next insertion of the lubricated camera is in 2 weeks time, I have no undue fears about it so fingers, but unfortunately not legs, crossed. Do you know the inside of my bladder looks like Gollum. But an update on the state of play with other matters medical for you:

My Gastroenteroligist sent me for various tests, including an ECG and a treadmill test, in my cynical view to save his budget if he could fob me off somewhere else rather than operate. After having the ECG I was told by a rather nice doctor that I wouldn't be having the treadmill test because they had found a problem with my heart, yes I know that the old hands are thinking I haven't got one and it's a swinging brick. So, numerous appointments later I am sat in front of a Cardioligist, the conversation went something like this.

"When did you have your heart attack?"

"I haven't had one"

"Yes you have"

"No I haven't"

"I'm looking at this graph and I'm telling you that you have"

As it turns out it they say that the problems I was having on the day of my last cystoscopy weren't associated with hernia and/or flu but I was in the middle of a heart attack. So I am loaded up with tablets for this, tablets for that, tablets for the other, sprays for something else, the list goes on and on. I had an angiogram last week and now have to go to another hospital in Manchester for some nuclear tests (or nucolour if you're George Bush) to see if it's surgery or pasture for me. But for a lovely change the nurses on the ward where I was last week were more Cheryl Cole than Ann Widdicombe, quite made my heart flutter, which possibly wasn't a clever move by the NHS, they should be preventing things not causing them.


Because so much time elapsed since the attack I am still allowed to drive and I now have my blue badge as well, it raises some eyebrows when I slap it on the dashboard of the coach and leave it parked on the road. I was thinking of really causing a storm by getting a white stick and walking up, getting in and driving off.


  • FormerMember

    Oh Bren!

    Glad to see you still have your sense of humour though! All the best for your next test and outcome too.

    Have you found the contact details you were hunting for with regard to Reneesha? I'm not sure if I still have any, but will hunt back through old pm's if you want me too. So very sad to hear about Alan - he was a good man and will be sadly missed.

    Love, Rose x x x

  • FormerMember

    Oh Bren, long time no see, or hear as the case may be lol. Still posting the amusing stuff I see, but, on a serious note, sorry to hear about your heart problems. Like you say, we never knew you had one lol.

    As for the inside of your bladder looking like Gollum, I've seen the inside of my bowel, but don't really know what to compare it to lol.

    What a fantastic idea about you walking out with the white stick. I wish I had the bottle to do that. I have a blue badge too, but don't walk with a limp, so get some funny looks. Apparently the only people entitled to a blue badge have to be practically crippled. I remember parking in a disabled bay one time and getting out of the car and some wag pointed out to me that I was parked in a disabled bay. I replied, "Oh, so I am, I can read thank you!". He started to laugh and said, you better start limping then. Everybody seems to think you have to be practically lame before you're issued with a blue badge, but people who have all sorts of illnesses are issued with these badges. I got mine initially because of chronic asthma. Others, like yourself have heart problems etc, but society doesn't see it that way do they?

    Anyway, good to see you back on site. Sad news about Alan, may he Rest In Peace.

    Take care, Christinexx

  • Bren that sense of humour has been missing to long, I can just see you getting on the coach for one of your mystery tours and using a white stick.

    It was sad about Alan and what does it say about the NHS if you had a heart attack whilst having treatment, you do like to be different.

    Hope all goes well with your next round of tests and that you stay well.

    Don't leave it so long to pop back.

    best wishes


  • FormerMember

    Dont know which blog to reply to bren so message on the other one

  • FormerMember

    Hey Bren

    Missed you - here's a link just for you xx

    Bit cheesy - but what the heck!
