Side effect of chemo not once but 6 times????

1 minute read time.

I am still not well.  My bones are crushing me down, there is so much pain. I cant stand for long. I still havent eaten, its been 9 days now. I still have oral thrush and swollen throat.

My emotions are all over the place. I keep on questioning why do I need chemo. I dont want to have chemo. Why are we all fed in a old structure machine like chicken. Ah yes, you have cancer, stand in line and its chemo, surgery and radiotheray for you all.

I know I have a big lump 4cm-6cm??? but whats the point of shrinking it. I will have to have double mastectomy. I dont understand the procedure.

Even after chemo there is a 50% chance of reoccurence and then you will have to go through chemo again.

Chemo meanwhile is taking all the good things from you, stripping your bones, killing your immune system and making your sick when you are not ????

I am so not happy and everytime I say no more chemo and there come my husband pushing me kicking and screaming towrads another chemo.

He is taking a day off this time to make sure I turn up :(


  • FormerMember

    Thank u guys for reading my miserable blog n answering me. I am really going crazy. I am feeling better although I can only eat soft food. I have gone out finally n watched a movie made me feel human again. So NOT looking forward to third chemo.

    I can't get hold of my nurse as she is on holiday n no one has called me back, I left two messages ????

    My Oncologist appointment is after my chemo ??? :(