Tis the night before Opening, and all through the house.............

2 minute read time.
Hi Folks, It’s me again! Well no, that’s not quite right, is it? It’s always been me – never been anyone else. So, I suppose, it cannot be me again, can it? At the third stroke, the time from BT will be………….. So – here I am, sitting in front of this wretched machine – we’ve all got one and love or hate them to a greater or lesser extent – but still we use them and still we moan about them. Especially the updates – Oh dear me, especially the updates. Have you tried to install the latest one from Microshaft? It’s 14 items long and demands a reboot at the end. So? So, when you start loading the update, a little dialog box comes up in a very friendly manner, and gives you permission to carry on using your machine (YOUR machine, mind) while the update is installed. There’s nice of them, look. That’s exactly what I did. Last night, I started the update and then – stupidly – settled down to watch something on one of the many Catch-Up channels. I’ve said before that I don’t have a TV. I don’t believe in paying a silly amount of money for a TV licence, when I can see as much as I need on the internet. Whether that is morally correct is not an argument I want to have. The internet is a free source of material and, if the BBC didn’t want people to watch its free Catch-Up service, why spend £40m on a web site which allows you to do just that? Halfway through what I was watching, the update finished. Then, every ten minutes, another little dialog box popped up to remind me to restart the machine. It drove me to the point where I stopped what I was watching and did the reboot, just to get rid of the daft little pop-up! When it restarted, I couldn’t be bothered to carry on watching the film. Damn computers! Who’s a little Mr Grumpy, then? It’s Thursday night now – Tomorrow at noon, I have to be in Salisbury Hospital for the Grand Opening. Will there be a marching band and banners and ribbons? Will there hell. Oh no – but I don’t care. This time tomorrow, I’ll be rid of the nasty little cancerous bugger and good riddance. It’s been a very brief encounter with the C word, during which time I’ve made a load of new friends here (and made a few people laugh, I hope) and I want to come back and see you all again, when I get home in a couple of weeks. Will you have me????? Have you seen Debs lately? Buttercup’s Blog is looking good and is just as witty as the one she used to write here. Shame she seems to be having no end of trouble getting back on here again. If you need your daily fix of Debs and her recipes, stop by here http://debsdailydelibs.blogspot.com I’m off to my pit now – no more blogs until I get back home in a couple of weeks. Then I’ll bore you all with the gory details and some more insights into the daft way I see people – my hospital bed should provide a whole new raft of ideas. I’m taking a pen and paper – Salisbury, beware! See you all again soon Much love Steve xx
  • FormerMember

    not the surgeons of course! Seriously, I do hope you have a smooth path through the next 2 weeks. You are sure to pick up on some mad things to amuse on your return to the site, good luck , camio

  • FormerMember

    Hi Steve, just wanted to say good luck for the big op.  Hope everything goes well.

    Will look forward to reading your blogs and having a wee laugh when you manage to get back on.

    Best wishes, Christine xx

  • FormerMember

    A really big thank you to you all. I'm just about to leave home and had to say a GREAT BIG THANK YOU.

    You have all been so supportive. I'll be back soon with more Tales of the Unexpected.

    Up, up and awwwwwwaaaaaaayayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy

    Much love



  • FormerMember

    Story of my life - just as well I'm not your agent!   Good Luck Steve, I'm going to miss those blogs.
