You've gotta do what you've gotta do !

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I should have had the last chemo of cycle 4 today, but received a phone call last night to say it was being delayed a week due to low neutrophils. Then , this morning I got another call asking me to come and have a blood test to see if I could have chemo after all. They were sorry to mess me around, they said , but the pharmacy had specially asked if I could come in. So off I went, had another test and..... still too low! What a surprise. I didn't really think things would have improved  enough in that short space of time.

        Anyway, the chemo nurses seemed to think that my neutrophils are finding it hard to recover as I am having chemo every week and they also want me to rest more, especially a couple of days before the blood test. So I'm on my snuggly sofa, feet up, in front of the fire and with a glass of something nice. It's hard but you've gotta do what you've gotta do! Fingers crossed for next week.

          Take care all,

              Love lizzie xx
