A post from Lizzie's daughter to her wonderful support group

1 minute read time.

Hi everyone,

This is Lizzie's daughter, Debs, here.

Mum, or Lizzie as you all knew her, sadly passed away on 29th September 2011.  I hope you don't mind me logging in to her account but I know what a fantastic support group you all were for her and I know it really helped her being able to talk to other people going through similar experiences - she drew a lot from being out to share her thoughts and feelings.

As you'll see from her last post, she was doing really well and we were positive that although she may need further treatment at some point, she was strong and feeling good about the future. However, very suddenly she haemorrhaged and was taken into hospital. Despite more than a week of treatments to bring up her platelets and white blood cell count, her body just wouldn't respond and she grew very weak as the cancer took hold very quickly. I think her body had just been through enough and although her fighting spirit didn't diminish, towards the end she simply had had enough and said she was ready. It was a shock as I saw her the weekend after she went into hospital, when she did seem tired and weak but still positive, but by the Wednesday my dad called me to say she only had days left. I rushed straight home (I live in Leeds) to Kent to the hospital and managed to have one last wonderful conversation with her. She passed away the next day surrounded by my dad, me, my two brothers and her close friend Trish. I'm so glad we were with her at the end and I think she was too.

I just wanted to thank everyone on here who knew my mum or just read her blog from a far, for being there for her over the last few years. She truly was an amazing, gorgeous, warm, positive and loving person. She was my best friend and always will be.

I wish you all well with your treatments and hope that you still draw strength from her words and her blogs; she could always see the positive in everything and was so thankful for all the little things that most of us take for granted.

Thanks everyone,


  • FormerMember

    Thank you all so much for your kind words. I can't tell you how much it's helped hearing such lovely things about Mum. I miss her so much but I'm so proud of her and her attitude to life and fighting this awful disease. We lost my beautiful aunt (mum's sister) to cancer 7 years ago and my brother had leukemia as a child (he's fine now) so it's had a big impact on my family and of course, I worry sometimes about what the future holds.  But I like that I can read the words mum wrote in her blog and feel so inspired. Its nice to have a place to talk about mum as it's hard to do that with friends and it's too raw with the family still. Thank you all again. We're just taking it day by day at the moment which is all you can really try and do xx

  • FormerMember

    So sorry to hear of your Mothers demise please god she at least will have no more pain LEO28