My mum is going in for respite care tomorrow , please wish her luck

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Just wanted you all to know that my lovely mum is going into a hospice tomorrow morning for respite care. She is just sleeping all the time, she can't eat, and only drinks tea, or water when dad can keep her awake to drink. She gets awful stomach ache, has constipation, shingles and haemorroids or a prolapse. She also has Leukaemia (Aml) and is on chemo tablets. In the last week, mum has grown so weary, she can't keep her eyes open and feels very weak with not eating and just sleeping. Dad can't do anymore than he already is doing. He has been fantastic, but he needs a break and mum needs specialist care at the moment. I feel scared, sad and relieved at the same time. Mum wants to go in there which suprised us all as she only said in July, that hospices are where people go to die. But I think she now realises what a strain it is for dad and that the hospice should be able to help her. Please wish her luck and hope. Binnie xx
  • FormerMember

    Wiahing your Mum best wishes and also to your Dad and to you, she is in the best place (short term) to give you guys the chance to build your strength and reserves to care for her when she is back home.

    Love and best wishes

    Fiona x

  • FormerMember

    Wishing your Mum and all of your family all the very best and hoping this will give your Dad the break he needs.

    Hugs to you all. Gillian xx

  • FormerMember

    wishing your mum well binny and thinking of you and best wishes sharon.x.

  • FormerMember

    Binnie, love and support to you and your mum and family.    Ray decided he wanted to go into the hospice too after saying no way would he ever go in there.  They were lovely. x x

  • FormerMember


    I Spoke to you on chat the other night and know how woried you were about your mother, she will be well looked after in the hospice, these people are amazing who work there.  

    May I wish you and your family all the  very best and your dad can now concentrate on keeping up his strength now he is getting  the help he needs to care for your mum .

    Jo Mac