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Cant believe how many people are amazed that i am still working, as i have always said this disease is not going to control me, while i can still stand the sore mouth and keep eating then i will continue to work each friday i get to during the treatment the better i feel knowing that Sat & Sun i get respite from the zapping, dont know what i will feel like in phase 2 but we will take it one day at a time.

Everyone is different and can cope with treatment in different ways, maybe its my attitude towards cancer not letting it get to me. Maybe i'm just stubborn or i love my job and don't like letting anyone down.

With the treatment being in the late afternoon i just go home and bathe and rub the cream on and fall asleep, only to be woken up by my GF with my dinner, then its meds time then off to bed. Thank god for Virgin media V+ box it means i dont miss my fave progs as they are all being recorded for when im ready to watch em

Take care everyone and keep the comments coming i do read em, but dont reply to em all

Biggles13 (aka Big Al)

  • FormerMember

    hi al you do make me smile your an inspiration wish i could go to work but i lost my job when i bacame ill well thats what im calling it anyways mind you takes me to crawl out of bed right now after my chemo but its 7 days now so im trying to get fighting fit so want to organise a trip to see my old mum in scotland that will brighten me up a bit some fresh air scottish black pudding sausage  etc etc nothing to beat it !!!

    keep well hun love jen xxxx

  • I don't want to burst your bubble or deny your bravery but do be prepared to feel incredibly tired. Radiotherapy has a cumulative effect in the body. I had 25 sessions and was fine for the first half but then by the middle (around segment 12) the tiredness began. It continued until weeks after the end of treatment. You may not be badly affected but just be prepared.

    Best wishes,


  • FormerMember

    Nice to hear you're doing so well Biggles.  I worked throughout my 23 sessions (I know you've got more) and found it a breeze compared to chemo.  I did find it tiring but that was more to do with driving 70 miles each day I think - and as I said to the RT team - I quite like coming here cos I can lay down in peace for a while!

  • FormerMember

    Long may you feel well Al. Take care.

    Love Julie

  • Hi Al.

    Well done i like your spirit and positive attitude, however dont bust a gut with the work thing, as i am sure your health is far more important.

    Take care and i hope it continues to go alwaright for you.

    I am back to work tomorrow myself, cant say im looking forward to it though !
