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Hello again fellow sufferers, the first fraction of my Radio Therapy actually came yesterday and although i knew what it was all going to be about as i had been in to have the mask fitted

I was dreading it but my partner came with me and she will be there again todayand will see me in the mask and watch me from the booth where the radiographers sit when the rays are being shoved into your body. I dont think she wanted to watch but the radiograher told her it dont hurt and when i talk about it to her she can relate to what happens in the next 33 fractions.

So it has started in earnest just got to see how i will be affected by the radio therapy and if it affects me in the way it should, i have sorted out the lotions and potions and my other meds i  take i have.

The only person i wish was with me is my father who has always been there holding my hand telling me everything would be ok when i got Epilepsy and my diabetes he told me everything would be ok i really miss him and feel tearful at him not being here holding my hand reassuring me

But you lot on here have been more than a surrogate father you are great and hope you continue to be so

Alan (aka Biggles13)

  • FormerMember

    Listen Big Al,

    The first week is the start of a long journey. Yes you will get tired and fed up and cursing and swearing. But you see thats why We are here. to hold your hand to give your all the help we can and of course all the support you need. Take my word for it all the tiredness that goes with R/T, and you will get tired.  But at the end it will be all worth it.

    Take care and be safe. Sarsfield.