ok who used a sledge hammer....

4 minute read time.

hi chaps,

 well this is the first blog for along time, the reason been had nothing but bad news since christmas. I finished 4 cycles of eox, in dec had a scan was told the tumour had shrank but lymph nodes had not reacted. So i took a month off enjoyed xmas then had another 4 cycles of eox, followed by another scan.

 We went to see my oncologist and was told no change in the main or spread. good and bad no reduction but no advancement. Both scans were the same and long term prognosis 6mths -2yrs.We all agreed that for the sake of dotting the i's etc the surgeon should be consulted but the outcome would be the same. so off we went to break the news to my family and friends, and for my wife to hide my credit card ( always wanted a range rover) joke.

 Much to our surprise and less than 18hrs after we told everyone, my oncologist rang and said she had just finished a very lenghty conversation with the surgeon, and an op was been offered, a meeting was set in place for the following week.So off we went to tell all the family and friends the news, to which the best comment which far outplaced all the good news n congrats etc was my mate eddie simply " you selfish b*****d i've ordered a new suit and time off for your funeral" thats my sence of humour.........

 Well had the meeting, with all the uaual no garantees, poor statstics etc but because i'd gone through chemo, put weight on and looked and felt healthy (even had a 24oz tbone steak at a family do) if i was prepared to take the chance the surgeon would op.DAFT  QUESTION. Then the next shocker " your booked in next wed with the op on thurs 26th. a SUB TOTAL OESPHAJECTOMY.

 Wed came off i went didn't sleep. (should say never had a operation in my life), Thurs morning 6 oclock wake call, scrubbed in shower down to pre-op. fitted with an epidural, asked if i was rea..................................

 18-45  woke up in what i thought was a green goblins tea party, been told i was doing great, fine now tell me what was the number on that bus that got me.......

19-00    changed my mind didn't want the op....put  everything back please.

19-25    Woke up again my shoulders felt like a squad of drunken navies had performed the river dance on them. mouth dry. and strangly  5 people standing around me not speaking just watching me........opened eyes again 6 people standing there, i closed my eyes and thought if i look up and see my grandfather i know i'm screwed. just then a voice said " we're waiting for one more then we can lift you onto your bed" . 

I know all of this cos the thearte nurse came and said they all had a good laff a the stuff i said whist under the drugs. just my luck talk garbage even when stoned....

Fri- very poor night don't like the hossy beds, was asked to stand up. did so and managed to do 60 marching  steps at the end of the bed. transfered to ward from hdu. midday, out of bed and walked to the next bed. teatime walked to the nurses station. ( all will be made clear) the walks were surpported on both sides by nurses ( not superman you know).

Sat- on the morning walked the length of the corridor, same at lunch time then out to the next corridor at evening. Walking more a shuffling horror film gait with tubes and bags all over.

Sun- pushed the walk abit more, up to 4 walks now. nolonger dragging feet but proper steps.over all stats improving, was on 70% oxy on fri, now on 45%.

Mon- biggest push yet, out the ward and down main corridor to lifts. done this 3 times. oxy cut to 22%.

tues- epidural removed, 1 chest drain removed. off oxy altogether. still walking 4 times a day.

Wed- all tubes etc removed, walked complete length of hospital, aswell as a flight of stairs, and found out why......

Thurs- allowed to roam anywhere, on a soft diet.

Fri- discharged with min pain killers.

Here's the interesting talk i had...... the surgeon who did this is one of senior ones at the hospital. He'd recently attended a meeting/conference in america, where they do this surgery and the patients are home with in 5- 10 days. bases on research done over there with milatary chest wounds etc, it has been found the body will bring a deflated lung up to strength better with aggressive exercise. pain is controlled, oxy reduced and stats improved.

So i went from a no hoper to giunea pig, I am supposedly the first to have it done, while i was in 3 more went throught it, and seeing the dread on their faces as the physio nurse approached, made me grimmace. BUT i'm home......

When i was making my first accent up corridor everest. I was introduced to a man who had just been discharged 15 days post op, from an op that took 5-6 hrs. I was discharged from an op that took 8-9 hrs, used different surgery techniques and after care in 10 days.

How do i feel..........SORE, TIRED, but most of all lucky.

as always stay strong, positive and love those around you ,

                         joe xx

  • FormerMember

    ann...please don't think i took that the wrong way.........i know exactly what you meant and understand exactly where you were coming from....that and the fact you could not offend me 1- i'm a trucker, 2- i'm a geordie and 3- i'm a man.......

     as for my mate, he lost his dad to stomach cancer at the start of the year, and the same sence of humour used against me is meant as its taken, hilariously, he understands me and knows that means more than all the well wishes "we" normally get, and like i said most of my friends are gruff bluff truckers that would travel the length of the country to wind me up.

    big hugs to you and yours , joe xx


  • FormerMember

    Why I didn't see this blog before is beyond me, but technology has been a bit skewed recently.

    Ouch to grim stuff, but so pleased you are out the other side matey!!

    Huge cwtchs to you, keep on keeping on! xxx