B.E,P 5 Chemotherapy Diary

  • Day 4


    Day 4,  
    I Thought a progressive diary on here would help me keep things in focus and in perspective. I feel a bit rougher than the other day, Face feels fat as hell haha, Must be all the drip fluids there pumping into me, Still no pain whatsoever though so I can't complain about a hot and fat feeling face lol feels a bit like sunburn. Hairs thinning a bit at the front but I don't really care. I'd swap my hair for a break…

  • Day 2


    Just got home from my second day of my first cycle of chemotherapy, And all I have to say is WOW and maybe WOW again. It's working already, I haven't had any pain for 1 day , I'm now down to 20mg morphine 12 hour slow release, twice a day, when I was Taking 120-150mg of morphine, 4000mg paracetamol, 240mg codeine every day and still had pain. 
    So happy right now :)