Bertie Bassetts Journey through AML

1 minute read time.
We were on a much needed holiday when we got our first clue that all was not well. Bert had had Bronchitis all through our holiday and against his better judgement he went to see the Dr the day we were due to fly home. The Dr in Turkey was amazing done loads of tests and told us after only 45 mins we were told that his white cell count was really low at 1.2 and that we were to see a Dr on our arrival home. He was admitted on the 15th of September and we were given the diagnosis on the 18th the day after his 56th birthday. His count dropped rapidly to 0.1 in a couple of days but then stopped at that. The Dr had told us that his chemo would start the following week. However she changed her mind, and sent him home after 2 weeks of antibiotics, antifungals and antivirals, which was just as well as I developed Laryngitis and a chest infection. I was amazed that he never got any infection. We went to the out patient clinic 2 weeks later and were told he was stable to come back in 2 weeks. on our return we were told he had to be admitted on Mon 2nd Nov despite the fact that his blood was still stable and he was to be starten on Chemo on Tue 3rd. The 1st lot of chemo mad him look dreadful I was not expecting that. However, he did look a little better the next day although he was very breathless and had tracking up his arm where the chemo had been put in. But all of that turned out to be ok. Here we are on day 4 gutted to find out that his brothers are not match for Bone Marrow, that left him feeling very upset and down in the dumps. So we will see what tomorrow brings Goodnight
  • FormerMember

    Back to hospital today for bloods to determine when the next session of chemo will commence, Fingers crossed it will be soon. this session is likely to be the last one we would like to reach the end of the chemotherapy and try and get on with our lives

    Love Teri

  • FormerMember

    Bloods were ok Hb 11.2 platelets 44 Wbc 2.4 neutrophils 1.2 and crp 53 so we need to go back nest week to get them done again as they want the platelets up to 100 before starting the next session. We were assured that this time there will be a PICC line in before treatment starts providing there is no infection this session as far as we are led to believe will be much the same as the last one. Bert has been home for a week now and apart from a couple of high temps he is fine if a little wobbly on his legs.


  • FormerMember

    hi teri, glad to hear bert is home and doing well, bet after being so poorly last time he is dreading the next chemo. My dad is going back in tonight at 9pm. was meant to go back monday but no beds still waiting now for a room to be cleaned. he really does not want to  go in especially as he is in remission and feels well. Hope his consolidation isnt the whole day like berts as he will go crazy, he had an 8 hr saline bag on once and was going mad they had to stop it half way so he could get outside he just hates being in his room. Oh well it has to be done i guess, heres to another few weeks of worry. hope bert stays well and enjoys his time at home.

  • FormerMember

    Bert goes back in on Tuesday for his 4th cycle of chemo he is not looking forward to it as it is 24hrs for 5 days hopefully will not be quite so harsh as the last session I don't imagine for 1 minute he will get through it without getting at least 1 infection but we will cross that bridge when we come to it

    I will post on Tuesday when he has settled in


  • FormerMember

    Hi Teri, just a quick note to say that I will be thinking of you both on Tuesday and here's hoping that this course goes better than the last one!!  Fingers crossed for you, Love to Bert,

    Lynn xx