Bertie Bassetts Journey through AML

1 minute read time.
We were on a much needed holiday when we got our first clue that all was not well. Bert had had Bronchitis all through our holiday and against his better judgement he went to see the Dr the day we were due to fly home. The Dr in Turkey was amazing done loads of tests and told us after only 45 mins we were told that his white cell count was really low at 1.2 and that we were to see a Dr on our arrival home. He was admitted on the 15th of September and we were given the diagnosis on the 18th the day after his 56th birthday. His count dropped rapidly to 0.1 in a couple of days but then stopped at that. The Dr had told us that his chemo would start the following week. However she changed her mind, and sent him home after 2 weeks of antibiotics, antifungals and antivirals, which was just as well as I developed Laryngitis and a chest infection. I was amazed that he never got any infection. We went to the out patient clinic 2 weeks later and were told he was stable to come back in 2 weeks. on our return we were told he had to be admitted on Mon 2nd Nov despite the fact that his blood was still stable and he was to be starten on Chemo on Tue 3rd. The 1st lot of chemo mad him look dreadful I was not expecting that. However, he did look a little better the next day although he was very breathless and had tracking up his arm where the chemo had been put in. But all of that turned out to be ok. Here we are on day 4 gutted to find out that his brothers are not match for Bone Marrow, that left him feeling very upset and down in the dumps. So we will see what tomorrow brings Goodnight
  • FormerMember

    Hi Teri

    Just emailed you too. Yes we had a good night out on Saturday, did lots of dancing with the older chappies, they were full of life in their late 70's and 80's. They loved the rock music and played the air guitar, lol.

    Mum is home and already washing the teapots up. Think she is glad to have something to do. She is back in the morning for a blood test.

    They took a bone marrow sample last night and boy did it hurt her.

    Hope you managed to get out for a walk.


  • FormerMember

    Hi Belinda Glad your mum got home though it was a bit late in the evening, I managed to get Bert out for a walk today it was just about 20minutes though as he was really tired I don't think he expected to be so tired and was cold but the sun was shining and it was dry at least it was a lovely day. He goes tomorrow for bloods so fingers crossed that everything goes well .

    Love to your mum


  • FormerMember

    Hi today we went for Bert's outpatient appointment and apart from blood pressure all seems to be well. The Beatson in Glasgow have called to cancel our appt on the 5th Feb for bone marrow assessment. I tried calling back to discuss this but apparently the secretary's all finish at 3pm great job I would like one of those. I will phone back tomorrow as canceling means everything will be put back as Bert's chemo was put back to allow him to go for this assessment  He goes back in on Sunday 8th for his 3rd cycle then he will be neutropenic for however many weeks so this means we will not be able to be seen for weeks. Also that means if he is suitable for transplant it will need to be put back just as I thought things were getting better. Anyway will keep in touch

    Love Teri

  • FormerMember

    I had to take Bert to HS24 this afternoon as he id not feeling great can't quite put his finger on what is wrong just "not well". BP is still low and they took blood and phoned the result back to us Hb is a bit low at 9.2 and platelets slightly low too but WCC  & neutrophils are fine. He must just be having an off day, we will just have to wait and see how things go. I am back at work tomorrow so he will be on his own, I don't know how that will go as he has never been on his own since diagnosis..

    Love Teri

  • FormerMember

    Bert has had a good couple of days pity about the snow as he could not get out but he has been feeling better of late. He has had a headache for the past 3 days but hopefu;;y they will put that down to stress or something. He goes back for his 3rd cycle of cheme on Sunday so 1 day of freedom left.

    Love Teri