I think I’ve developed a toilet obsession!

1 minute read time.

What could be more stressful than actually undergoing treatment? The journey there that’s what. Who’d have guessed?

The actual getting there is taking it’s toll. 

The hospital in reality is only 45 minutes away and we are told to allow 20 minutes from the outskirts of the city to the hospital.

I have to factor into this enough time to drink 3 cups of water half an hour before I am due for radiotherapy. If we are a little behind schedule I drink water in the car prior to arrival. And usually this is ok. But the last few days have seen traffic problems and I am now becoming obsessed with what ifs! 

What if I drink all the water and we are held up more? I’ll be desperate for the loo and might not make it!

What if I need the loo and they are running late? I’ll have to empty out and fill up and wait longer messing up everyone’s schedule.

After drinking and treatment what if we get held up on the way home and there is nowhere for a loo stop?

Today the traffic was much worse because it was raining and nobody cycles or walks as usual.

What if it rains tomorrow? What will I do?

I think about this constantly and although it makes me laugh a bit at myself - I can’t stop the niggling thoughts!

I guess it takes my mind off the side effects beginning to appear.

Other things causing stress are the number of shocking drivers on the journey. Yesterday we watched in horror as a motorcyclist went between 2 lorries as one overtook the other! I thought my heart had stopped. 

It certainly took my mind of other issues - for a while!
