Travel Insurance.

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Hi all, some if you will already know me from the Head and Neck Group! For anyone else,please feel free to read my profile!

My best friend's mother has just been diagnosed with Pancreatic Cancer,(terminal).

Apart from developing Jaundice,her mum had no other symptoms and at 78 years of age she was/is a very active women. She does not want to know anything about her illness,she has not let the Doctor's or her family mention the word Cancer!

The only thing she will talk about is having a wee break in the sun so of course the family what she wants! They would be extremely grateful if any of you on this brilliant support site of ours could advise on which Insurance Companies will insure  a terminally ill person to travel abroad for one week.

Big hugs.  Alison.  x

  • Hi this is my first time on here. I’ve had ovarian cancer 7 months ago. Just had surgery 9 weeks ago and I’m cancer free and would like to go on a holiday at the end of June. Just looking into holiday insurance if any body has any advice of which company’s to use 

  • Hello Allison  I am just starting to search for travel insurance myself, and it has become apparent to me that I'll need to request an insurer to have a policy which is manually underwritten; meaning that I may request insurance for everything except that related to my cancer. Not ideal by any means, however appears that otherwise premiums would be unmanageable. I will keep searching however and also try my household insurer.  Good luck , Rabbie