The present or the future!

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Hi all,

Feeling a wee bit anxious as I have a 4 month review with ENT,on Thursday,never gets any easier,does it!

I think my husband might need to hire a JCB, to get me in through the doors of the hospital as I honestly  hate it,especially the clinic,(I was on my own when I was diagnosed)

My best friend,dizzy as she is,lol!) phoned me today and told me that she was taking me to our local Theatre on Thursday night,as it would be something to distract me from all the panic!

I nearly choked when she told me that we are going to see Derek Acorah!!!

Omg, the after-life,she certainly has me distracted alright!

Has anybody on this site ever seen him Live!

Big Hugs to all.x


  • FormerMember

    Thankyou Julie, it's good to know that he is funny and a good laugh!

    I was dreading going as I thought it would be spooky,lol!

    Big Hugs,


  • FormerMember

    Hi Ya Mucker,

    What are you up to now.? I have never seen that man Acorah Live but I hear theres a lot of people who have seen him Dead.

    Listen in my opinion theres no such thing as life after death otherwise there would be no life in the first place.Everybody Confused. What Im trying to say is you cant live twice. So Pal you go and enjoy the show take what he has to say with a pinch of salt.

    Then on Thurs go for your review,and when its finished you will be back to your auld self.

    Hope the Family and of course yourself are all keeping well.

    My Legs have stopped working but thats another story for another time.

    You Take care and be safe and let me know how the review goes.Good Luck. Jackie.xx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Jackie (sounds strange calling you that! )

    What's up with the legs then,I think you need some Potcheen mucker,cures all ailments,as you well know,lol!

    Och, Sarsfield,do you not believe in God then,never mind,each to their own!

    Love the Dead joke!

    We are having a 3rd bridge being built over the Foyle, for pedestrians,who walks nowadays,pardon the pun!

    Well I will let you know for sure how my review goes,and the craic about Derek Acorah,lol!

    Take Care,big hugs,


  • FormerMember

    Hi all, my 4 month review went well,have to wait for an appointment to have an MRI scan taken but I'm not worried about it!

    Well now,I have to say that I really enjoyed Derek Acorah,as Julie has said,he's a good laugh and very entertaining!

    Two people I know,who were not together, had a message from the other side,Fact,Omg!

    I know that they had not been planted and I know them both very well,Mmmmmm,certainly given my brain some food for thought!!!!

    Big hugs to all.x
