A waiting game.

1 minute read time.

I have been waiting to hear the results of cervical biopsies taken on 12/09/11 and have finally been told (yesterday) that they are ready and that the results will be shown to the colposcopy nurse and that I should receive a letter next week.

In the meantime I also had a biopsy done (7/10/11) on a new lesion that appeared on the foot I had Melanoma removed from in January...........It was marked as urgent.

I was due to go and see my plastic surgeon on 27/10/11 after my appointment on 20/10/11 was cancelled.......Yesterday I received a text reminding me of my appointment on 20/10/11......As you can imagine I was somewhat confused.  Today I received a letter stating that my appointment with my palstic surgeon on the 27/10/11 has been cancelled and that I am now due to be seen at the dermatology consultants clinic instead on the 20/10/11!

I am totally confused as well as worried..... I am thinking allsorts.......

Is it a coincidence it has been changed?

Has it been changed due to the fact I have got a new lesion?

Have they received the biopsy results back....And it isn't good news?

Why change me from a plastic surgeon appointment to a dermatology one?

I just need to know and the waiting is agony!  With luck I should have all my answers soon.



  • FormerMember

    Hi Rosie,

    As Annie says, I bet it's got more to do with one of the consultants going on holiday or their clinic being overbooked!  I would also think that, should the lesion be a recurrence, the plastic surgeon would have to see you to arrange more surgery - so if you're not seeing the PS maybe you don't need more surgery & the results came back clear? I really hope that that's the case & that it's good news next week.

    Best wishes

    Angie x

  • FormerMember

    You are all so lovely, you have looked at things in a different way to me and in a more positive way......My thoughts are all doom and gloom especially when I am worried.

    I will let you know what happens once I know.  Fingers crossed.


    Thanks Guys xxxxx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Rosie, been thinking about you & hope you get good news today.

    love & hugs, Annie xxx

  • FormerMember

    The good news is that it is unlikely to be a recurrance of melanoma on my foot and it is more likely it is a pressure ulcer.  They will ring me next Thursday or Friday to inform me of my biopsy results.

    After nearly 6 weeks I am still awaiting my cervical biopsy results.....I was told they were back last Friday!

  • FormerMember

    Hi Rosie,

    Well, if the lack of urgency is anything to go by, I think you probably don't have much to worry about on either count! You could give the colposcopy nurse a call if you don't get a letter tomorrow, just to chivvy them along a bit.  Otherwise, I think you might take your cue from the hospital, and be relaxed about things.

    Have a good weekend!

    Love & hugs,
