
1 minute read time.

The big day is finaly here after weeks of planing!A tribute to you mum........i wish you was here to reasure me that what im doing is right.Through my life it has been you who has always been there to love cuddle and reasure me that the things i did  were right but now your no longer with me i just have to live in hope that all the good and special things that were in your heart live on through was such a special lady and i want to give you and all our family and friends a night to remember,reminissing and remembering you in the way that you would have wanted them to,and not in the way you where in your final few years.You have always been my mum and my best friend and i miss you so very much...... you where and remain the most loving,caring selfless person i have ever had the privilage of knowing and sharing my life with,and i really want to thank you for making me the person i am today.i really hope  you aprove of what ive done tonight and that you wouldnt be upset because you never did like anyone to fuss but i couldnt let this chance to honour you pass cause you so deserve it.

mum you will be in my heart always......theres not a day goes by that i dont think about you......i love you so very much.xxxxxxxyour daughter lindsey

  • FormerMember

    How did it go???

    Little My xxx

  • FormerMember

    thank you all so much for your lovely comentsxxxx

    the night went absolutely fantasticly im over the moon with the support of friends and family who turned up on the night it really was humbleing,my mum would have been so proud.......there was a slide show of her pictures to music as a tribute to her,as well as some of mums singing being played.we also had karaoke, a silent auction,tombola,a cake stall and rodeo bull to raise money for the local cancer hosp where mum was treated.

    It all went really well,there was of course some sadness but many smiles and laughter too as we reminissed about the good times we shared with my beautiful really was a night to remember and im sure it wont be forgot for a long time.

    ohhh and i havent done the final count yet but think the total we raised is £1200 ish

    thanks for all your well wishes.xxxxxxxxxxxxxlins

  • FormerMember

    Wow!!!! All round.... I  got a bit of 'eye incontinence' reading that... it sounded so wonderful. (My mum also died of cancer so I can imagine the laugter and tears together)

    What an amszing amount of money too!

    well done, your mum certainly would be proud of you :)

    Little My xxx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Lins,

    Wow sounds a great night, with some lovely memories, well done you, Am so proud of you and know your mum would be too, what alot of money you raised, the hospice will be so pleased, bet you were exhausted after, hope you have had a rest today.

    Chat later lovely Lins,

    Love Pam xxx

  • FormerMember

    What a lovely tribute to your Mom Lins.  I'm sure she would have been smiling down on you all (and singing along). What a lovely way to remember and celebrate her life.

    Such a huge amount of money raised too!!  You should be so proud, this will help so many other people.

    You have such a big heart and I'm proud to call you my friend.

    Sending loads of love to you xxxxxx Em xxxxx