Twelfth Night

2 minute read time.

It's the twelfth day of Christmas today and I feel like celebrating but it feels wrong without her.

When you've just lost someone you take ages to do things. I've just taken nearly three days to tax the car, get the insurance and MOT straight and do the vehicle registration.  There was then a hair-raising trip along a freezing Thames to get the tax disc from the DVLA before it closed.  Then the journey back on the bus across a ghostly and dark Putney Heath - spooky.  In deep winter, whilst all of Nature slumbers, i run about like a mad thing.

I didn't get back to the MOT garage until late and it was closed. Have to go and get the car tomorrow.

It's weird: I don't feel I love anyone today.  It's a numb feeling.

That car was her.  Every time I  look at it, its red paint and small nose poking out, sandwiched between other cars parked in the road, I think of her.  It's why I decided to keep it.  When the probate solicitor asked its worth and I told him the year it was bought, he actually sniggered and said "Well I don't think that will add much to her net worth!"   I gasped. it was like being flicked by a cold wet towel across the face.  Not only that, the other people in the room laughed too.  All except me.  What was funny about that?  He went on: " You'd be lucky to get £200 for it!"  Maybe so Mr Uriah Heep, maybe so.  But it was her car, it was her life, she loved it, she spend a big chunk of her life in that car.  And now, Mr Heep, it appears to be mine.  Now there's a thing!  What would Charles Dickens think?

I can hear the fox's  bark in the deep bleak dark outside.  We have a lot of foxes as it is near the riverbank.  He is scavenging.  Maybe he and the solicitor have a lot in common.  Didn't Uriah Heep in David Copperfield have a brush of red hair too?

Which Dickens character am I , I wonder. Estella? Miss Haversham?  Neither i think, I am probably more like some character out of Vanity Fair.  In some ways, William Thackeray had a sharper eye for people's real nature than Dickens.  I love reading him.  I hadn't read much until Christmas, when I picked up a biography of Socrates that has just come out.  Socrates was tried by his fellow citizens of Athens  for being amongst other things a bad influence on young people.  There are probably a number of people answering to that description today.  Sometimes I feel as though both Mum and I are on trial having to answer for the decisions we both have  made in life. 

It is so strange sometimes, that I feel like a criminal when I go to the solicitor's office and read the nasty letters from my step-brother's solicitor.  It's as if I am constantly having to prove myself not guilty, not a liar, not a thief and believe me I've been accused of it all since she died.  It's as if I'm in the dock. And i'm the co-executor of the will!  And old Uriah Heep sits there and watches it all with a smile on his face, and takes his fee. Some things haven't changed since Dickens' time eh?

Hope it won't be too much of an effort to go and get the car tomorrow.

Night night.


  • FormerMember

    Hi Persephone,

    That was beautiful to read - but also it hurt so much at the same time - for a very brief moment I stood in your shoes. Think you told us so much and it's sad that people who should be sensitive and experienced can be so ignorant and insensitive  when we are are our lowest ebb and most vunerable.

    How comes wills and probate can not only bring out the worst in people but cause damage to families that may never be repaired - Does you step brother not realise the real priorities in life ?

    I know its not my place to say things will get better -we all heal at our own rate  but I hope you get probate sorted so at lesst that is behind you and you stat to see a way forward.

    Take care - you have suffered enough already and I hope you enjoy your car for a long time - know its value to you cannot be measured in Pounds - its measured in pure emotion

    J xx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Perse

    You are an amazing writer. Thank you for sharing this with us. People can be unbelievably ignorant at times. Sending you Big Hugs!!!

    Love, Maureen

  • FormerMember

    Hi Persephone,

    Your story of the probate solicitor touched a very raw nerve for me.  I rang the solicitor’s firm who drew up and hold our wills to tell them Gary had died and make an appointment to discuss getting probate.

    The first thing I was asked was the size of his estate.  (We both worked for many years to have a nice house in a good area).  I said that except for some ISSA savings, everything joint names, so I would be dealing with those accounts.  The second question was is there property involved, to which I replied, “Yes, I’m living in it”.

    When I asked how much the charged would be, I was told until we know the size of the estate, I can’t tell you, but there would be an up-front charge of £1000.00.  When I asked whether a qualified solicitor or legal executive would be doing the work, they wouldn’t answer.

    Yesterday, I rang round some other solicitors.  I found a very nice lady who was prepared to give me some basic advice over the phone.  She is happy to see me for a thirty-minute free consultation.

    I know they have to make a living, but the first firm just seem to be piling up as many charges as they can, at a time when widows are at their most vulnerable.

    That’s the rant over, hope everyone has as good a day as possible.

    Daffie  xxx

  • FormerMember


    You have a fantastic way of putting thoughts into words that says it all.

    Sadly there are people who you never hear from when you need them but then come out of the woodwork when they sense money.

    The people that laugh are insensitive and cruel. You have a soul and no amount of money can buy what you have and they lack.

    Hold your head up and keep using that imagination to see you through all this.

    As John said, we all take our own time but I hope as every day passes there is a tiny bit of light that gets bigger and brighter in life.

    Maria x

  • FormerMember

    To everyone who read my blog posts and added their feelings, thank you very much.

    It's lovely that my writing did strike a chord common to a lot of people, that was a very strange day.  It was as if the car coming back to life brought my Mum back to life too, for me, somehow.  And everywhere I was seeing Dickens characters and Vanity Fair characters, and seeing them reflected in modern people, and the mysterious life of the Thames and its riverbanks,  A river like the Thames is timeless you see, it's been there a lot longer than we have and it will still be there when we are gone.  What has happened to me has made me think about that a lot.

    I am writing a novel myself and one day I hope to be able to strike a similar chord with a lot of people!

    So thanks everyone, feel free to add any more thoughts you have.  Love and hugs back.  Perse.