amunro36 Alex Munro

1 minute read time.

Many of you are friends of Alex known as amunro36 on this site.

I have to tell you that Alex is fighting his last fight with prostate cancer in St Barnabas Hospice Lincoln. His wife Pat is by his side and his children will arrive today. Alex is on the 'pathway' even though he was not expected to survive the night I know that my dear friend Alex will not leave us without giving it his very best.

Pat has done an incredible amount for Alex over the last 6 months as his cancer progressed. She is a wonderful woman and we will make sure she gets all the support she will need.

I last saw Alex in Leicester on 25th July he had insisted I joined a group of 80 men living with prostate cancer and their carers (wives, girlfriends etc) from all over the UK and 2 men from Arizona. Alex was determined to attend and I am sure that it was this goal that got him there overcoming so many obstacles (ramps for wheelchair access in the wrong place!!!).

Alexs prostate cancer was only diagnosed when it was at a stage from which palliative care is the treatment. He said to me on many times he wished he had been offered the simple PSA blood test earlier when a cure would have been possible. He said if he had been offered the test and then turned it down at least he would feel some responsibilty for the situation he found himself in.

More of that at a later date.

Alex was a football fanatic with Rangers the love of his life, Arsenal were the frustration of his life and he was a converted Scunthorpe United fan who presented him with a signed team shirt in November last year where he was guest of honour.

We are about to lose one of the nicest men it has been my pleasure to know.

He was the first person to become a friend on this site when I joined just over a year ago.
