Re: Nasopharyngeal Cancer

1 minute read time.

Hi everyone my mum was diagnosed in April 2017 with T3, N1 Nasopharyngeal Cancer.  She is 4 weeks into her treatment and has spent the last 13 days in Clatterbridge Cencer Hospital.  She has been having Radiotherapy daily but is having Chemo weekly.  She has several other medical issues relating to heart, kidneys, and she had Arnold Chairi Malformation and fibromayalga as well as really bad IBS.  She seems to be really struggling he mouth and throats have been really bad for about the last 10 days.  She was given the ensure drinks but milk protein kicks off her IBS,  she's had a couple of infections in the peg site as it's located quite high and is in a crease under her boobs.  The hospital only provided the Soya feeds on Tuesday so for 7 days mum was being fed the milk feeds which made her sick and really sore all the diff antibiotics she's been on cause thrush in her throat and then she's ended up with c.diff.  She is now refusing to let them put foods down the peg and is losing weight.  When we try and talk to her she just says there poisoning me and you don't understand what I'm going through.  [Edited by admin] She has 2 disabled grandsons one with Downs who doesn't understand why he can't see nanny and he keeps crying.   Thanks for reading.   Christine 
