4th Week of recovery

1 minute read time.

The steroids have definitely helped with my appetite, and the more I've been trying to eat the better the swallow reflex has become.

My preferred meal at the moment is pasta soup and bread (all in the same bowl) with cheese on the top. I think I do need to try and include a few more vegetables, but I am definitely eating a lot more.

The side that received the main RT still has a bit of soreness, and a few new ulcers keep appears, then fading.There is still a sore spot in my throat too. 

I just can't seem to drink cups of tea very successfully. I think it's because tea involves sipping, and it can be tricky with the heat. It's the one thing that I've most choaking episodes with.

I went to a Maggies centre to day at the local hospital - what a wonderful place. I had a long chat with one of the advisors, and we talked a lot about the  - "what next?" kinda of feeling you arrive at after treatment sort of stops. She talked about mindfulness courses which sound interesting. I don't think we have a place like this where I live (I'm staying with my mum for a few days.)

Today I tackled the strange stomach hairs growing on my wrist flap with a pair of tweezers! That was a fulfilling experience! At least I don't have the problem the man I met in hospital now has - his arm hairs are growing in his mouth!!!!!
