Giving up smoking

2 minute read time.

Have you been meaning to give up smoking but just can’t seem to make that cigarette your last one? Or perhaps you’ve tried to quit but have found it too difficult and have started smoking again. Macmillan have developed a new booklet about Giving up smoking and it’s full of handy tips and advice to help you stub cigarettes out for good. You can order a copy now.

Why give up smoking?

Living with cancer and its treatment can be very difficult, and some people find that smoking is a way to cope with what is happening. If you want to quit it may help to think about all the benefits of stopping smoking for you and the people close to you.

Giving up smoking will not only benefit your health and the health of those around you, but it will help if you are having treatment for cancer. Non-smokers generally have less side effects from cancer treatment and if they do have side effects they tend to be less severe.

Giving up smoking has financial benefits too. If you smoke twenty cigarettes a day, you spend just under £3000 a year on cigarettes. Think of all the other things you could spend your money on instead!

How we can help

Our Giving up smoking booklet guides you through preparing to stop smoking, stopping smoking and staying stopped. We give information about the medicines available to help you quit, such as nicotine patches and gum, and tablets which can help with cravings. The booklet also gives information on The NHS Stop Smoking Service which you can access locally, and which can really make a difference to your chances of success.

Front cover and two inside pages of our booklet Giving up smoking

There is a lot of help available if you want to quit, and it’s important to remember that it’s never too late to stop.

Now, are you going make that cigarette your last one?

We're with you every step of the way

The Macmillan team is here to help. Our cancer support specialists can answer your questions, offer support, or simply listen if you need a chat. Call us free on 0808 808 00 00.

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