round 2...

1 minute read time.

Its back... you dont ever think someone so close to you will get it, especially not your parent, my mum was diagnosed with oesophagus cancer back in June 2019, it was a shock, you hear the word cancer and the worst goes through your mind, but we stayed strong, she was superwoman, we started with the chemo and then she had her operation in december where they cut away part of her oesophagus and rejoined it to her stomach, she was a tropper, she acted like she was recovering from a common cold not cancer!

The consultant was pretty sure he had managed to get it all, she did it, she kicked cancers ass! 

Then in March Covid hit which meant we were yet to have a scan to be told officially she was clear... the scan finally happened in October, Mums Oesophagus is clear, but they have found cancer on her right ovary, she would need an MRI scan to see what we were dealing with this time. We got the results on Thursday and it was worse than we thought its on both ovaries and she has a shadow on her pelvis.

She has a PET scan tomorrow 10th November 2020 this will tell us if the shadow is or isn't. We are praying its "just" on the ovaries as it will mean a hysterectomy and hopefully nothing more, but if its anywhere else the chemo journey will begin again.

Im struggling to stay positive, why her, why again?! why is cancer doing its best to take my mum, what has she done to deserve this! 
