A poem I have written for McMillan Cancer Blog

Less than one minute read time.

The Three C’s 

After the tests and the biopsies

I have been told I have the big C

Now I have three C’s in my life

Cancer Corona and Chemotherapy 

Each visit to oncologist becomes fraught with fear

As I have to mask up and be careful when there 

The routine is getting familiar now 

Back home through the door strip off and in to the shower

 Can’t  give Corona any power

It could be eighteen weeks in isolation at best 

This is going to be a huge  test

Because we don’t know how long Corona will be in our midst 

Missing the most important people in my life my  family

No grandkids running in to give me a hug all because of this nasty bug

cancer and lucky not two words I would put together 

as treatments are delayed or stopped forever 

I am one of the lucky ones who is starting treatment as we fight Corona 

I am fighting on all fronts Cancer  Corona and Chemotherapy 

But I am  lucky you see

Cancer or Corona will not beat me 

  • FormerMember

    Thank you for this beautiful poem, it is so much needed right now as a dear family member has been diagnosed and we need all the strength possible which your powerful words instil. Still struggling with the reality of the diagnosis and your words provide some ground beneath one's feet again xxx

  • Hi Naomi, thank you for your comments I am just at the very beginning of my journey and it is scary ,I am helped by the support of my family who are always there when I feel down or worried and we do have lots of lighter moments too when we have laughter which is great medicine . xxx

  • The Journey:
    You are strong they say
    But I don’t feel this way
    Be positive, they say
    Not easy every day
    I just need you to be there for me
    When I am upset a hug
    When I am struggling some understanding
    You are my rock as we make this journey
    Together we can reach our goal
    So much at stake so much to lose
    Not a journey I would have chose
    But we are where we are
    We are on this bumpy road
    We are travelling together
    So glad I have you with me on this unique journey.