Jillyanna's blog

  • Chemo side effects

    Hi all Just wondered if anyone on here has experienced the same as me, had a radical nephrectomy, followed by chemo of Avastin and interferon injections, unfortunately the avastin put my b/p up so i had a hypertensive crises, had to have lumber puncture, had terrible headaches sickness and generally very unwell, was given a blood transfusion and lots of drugs to bring pressure down, but the downside is i had to come…
  • can't help but feel alone

    Hi all, it's about 11:15 and the household is shutting down, but my head isn't, maybe those sleeping tablets have lost their power to put me in nice land of nod. The kids are in bed, my husband (who's got a cold) in bed the cats have turned in and the dogs have also abbandoned me and gone in there baskets! So here alone with my thoughts overtaking me! They are as follows-feeling sorry for myself-feeling alone and has…
  • Hypertensive Crises

    Hi people, hope your all doing well as you can! Just thought I'd let you know of my horrible experience with chemo over the last few weeks, but don't want to scare anyone that is taking it, because it only happen to 1/100 people-and i was either the 1 or the 100!! Just want to make you all aware that while you are undergoing treatment it is wise to do your blood pressure otherwise you can suffer with something called…
  • I don't like mondays! 'tell me why i don't like mondays!' boomtown rats!

    Hi my fellow peeps Hope your all well, and you all had a good weekend, just going for my chemo, thats why i don't like mondays, coz I know i'm going to be ill over the next few days, get a migrane type headache and sickness. Anyway at least the good side of it is it's shrinking the tumours in my neck!! (Avastin and interferon) anyone got any good tips to stop me thinking 'ill'???
  • would like to speak to others-especially with kidney cancer!!

    Hi everybody, Just wanted to speak to other people that have or carers that have experience with kidney cancer, I am Avastin & interferon injections, Had a radical nephrectomy and unfortunately it is grade 4, with mets in my neck! Just think it would be helpful to speak to other people, I know I'm not alone in this!!