this week is just getting worse !

1 minute read time.

I really do not know what to do with myself, im so bloody miserable ! and its just not me (despite my last few blogs),, i honestly feel worse than when ju first died, i dont know if i was in shock or if it was just relief that he was at peace at last (that sounds terrible but hope fully you know what i mean ) or maybe im just exausted, still not sleeping properly , im pissed of with the world, ive never felt angry so why now ? , and as for friend who asked me today if id got rid off all ju,s clothes so i could go shopping and fill wardrobe up,Bol*****s, i nearly punched her ,

ive just read that back and i sound horrible ,but you all know thats not me, im kind and gentle and would do anything for anyone, im quiet and patient , i just want to help other people , i also have to face the gossip about the young widow at football tonight , last time i told them what i thought it just slipped out :) , which also isnt like me , but i need kindness at the moment or they can just ignore me ,which is what i told them,

to be honest i think sadly all i need is a cuddle ,which is what im so missing and maybe some tlc , but its not going to happen ,i know that but doesnt stop me missing ju so much , and feeling so sad that i cant have that , or even the way we used to talk things out every day and put the world to rights, we would have laughed at the gossips together ,but not so easy on your own as im finding out the hard way , i hid in doors in the beginning as couldnt cope but im not going to let them, win, no matter how much it hurts , ju wouldnt want that, he also wouldnt want me feeling so sorry for myself but i think , im just grieving as i should be ,and maybe in a few days will feel a bit better , lets hope so anyway !!!

  • FormerMember

    hey debs , thanx , i wish , ive put my hands up ,been honest , and their is noone, ive been honest told my mum , my best friend , and ju,s closest friend , and im still on my own , where do i go now ! ive told them they not listening x

  • FormerMember

    Have you tried the MacMillan line?  I have a lady that rings me every couple of months, just for a chat and to see how I am 'emotionally speaking'.  Because I can say things to her I can't to my hubby & kids.  Sometimes, a stranger or someone neutral who you know won't judge you, is better than someone too close, if you catch my drift.  Failing that, ask your GP surgery for some advice!  You need support right now - not practical, physical perhaps, but a good listening ear at the very least.  

    We are happy to do that here for you, but I think you might need a bit more than some typed words.  Have you made any friends in the bereaved forums?  They will understand exactly where you are and what you are going through right now and might be able to offer some advice re: support etc.

    I just wish I had Harry Potters wand and could wave it and make everything OK, but thats just a fantasy film *sighs*.

    Love & Strength

    Debs xx

  • FormerMember

    Hi hun,

    I keep starting to type and deleting cos I really don't have the words to help you feel better .... it's truly tragic, I hope your boys are keeping strong with you :)

    I can relate to 'people hearing your words but not picking up and reacting to them', please, spell it out to your mum and your best friend that you really need them with you for support right now - they probably heard you saying you are upset, and it's hard, and things are tough but did not read in between the lines to 'come and be with me and support me'.........give them another nudge.

    Take care, remember to look after yourself and keep hugging those boys :) xxxxxxxx