chrissiQx2's blog

  • Family matters


    Hey everyone...I havent blogged for a while but not much has been happening with me so I havent really got alot to write about.  Treatment going well and I'm feeling well so thats great!! I am blogging about an issue which has been playing on my mind for a while.  Its not directly to do with my cancer although its a factor, if I wasnt ill then it probably wouldnt be something we would be considering.  But seeing as I…

  • ''30 things for turning 30''


    I will be turning 30, believe it or not lol, lots dont ;-) on Christmas day.  I say believe it or not because I do look young for my age...the youngest I have got is 17!!! Anyway I was going to have a mad bash to celebrate but seeing as its Christmas it has proved difficult to arrange.  So my friend and I came up with this fab idea of doing 30 things to celebrate turning 30 which I am going to do throughout 2011.  I know…

  • Not bad at all!


    Well that will teach me for jumping the gun.  My scan was absolutely fine and I can just carry on with the Herceptin for at least the next 3 months.  I got in to the Drs office and she asked how I'd been feeling and if I was concerned about I mentioned the 'lumps' I had felt.  She told me nothing new had shown on the scan and that she would have a feel anyway.  She examined me thoroughly all along…

  • There can be miracles...when you believe???


    I have to get up early tomorrow for a trip to the hospital for my CT scan.  The appointment is at 9.15 but I will have to get up before 8 so I can drink the Gastrografin in preperation for the scan.  For anyone who hasnt tasted this (you are very lucky) it tastes of watery aniseed and I hate it. It reminds me of Sambuca and thats not pleasant first thing in the morning.  I have to mix the gastro with a pint of cold water…

  • A special day


    This week I am celebrating 2 'anniversaries'.  One is good and one is not so.  It was a year ago yesterday that I was diagnosed with secondary breast cancer and so far so good apart from the last 2 weeks feeling dreadfully tired.  I have scans and an oncology appointment coming up at the beginning of August so unless it becomes unbearable I will wait until then to see if its anything sinister.  Also 5 years ago today…