In the Middle

  • Greyness


    After I was first diagnosed with prostate cancer there was an initial denial, then shock. But now there’s a certain dullness in my life, everything just appears grey and indistinct. There is always something, like my future with cancer, at the back of my mind. This permeates to the surface at regular intervals, and often when I’m least expecting it. The outside world appears far away and not sharp, like a picture which…

  • Diagnosis


    The local charity were running a PSA testing event for people in the village, it was raining that day so we hadn't gone out. I went for the test, initially I did park in the wrong place but eventually found the centre. It was a shock to receive a letter a few weeks later saying I should go to my GP. So I ignored the letter for a few weeks, and then made the appointment. My GP turned out to be a young lady who looked about…