Punch biopsy on nose

  • 41 replies
  • 23 subscribers

Hello all

i have a BCC on my nose, tried a six week course of cream which has no effect now dermatologist wants to do a punch biopsy.

i know I'm being superficial but how bad will it look after?  He says it will be two stitches and leave a scar, will this scar be really bad?  Anyone had a punch biopsy and can advise?  I don't really know what to do, I wouldn't stress but the nose is such an obvious place to have a scar.  Is leaving a BCC alone an option? 

  • FormerMember

    Hi david, A month is a very short time for even the smallest scar to look its best, it can take upto a year  even longer to heal. Im a woman who had a wedge cut from my nose down through my lip and lost a part of my lip. Honestley things loosen off and becomes not so noticeable, you will know its there but other people wont even see it. Chin up david give yourself time, x

  • FormerMember
    Thanks Kerry x Yes I'll need to stop checking the mirror and give it some time.
  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Dear Dave, thought you might like to try I product I've used on an old facial scar of mine fore years and have recently started using on my new punch hole biopsy dent.  Its called Dermaflage Dermal Filler - was invented by American Plastic Surgeon for use on Mohl scars and acne scars - it fills in the "dent" for up to 24 hours and is waterproof so don't have to worry about rain!  It gives you that bit of confidence to go out until your scar settles down. It takes on the colour of your skin so if your scar is slightly red the trick is to put a bit of concealer on your  nose before you add the Dermaflage. You can buy it over the internet direct but I get mine on Ebay - it cost about £29 but that lasts me around 5 month as you only need the smallest amount for your nose, and it makes you feel and look normal again. Over Christmas I used it and family and friends who didn't know about my biopsy didn't notice it.  Hope it's of help.

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

     Thank you for this info. Lee, it may be very useful for me. I had my BCC removed from my nose 21st November - the BCC was like a small ulcer which scabbed over in the centre and looked exactly the same after my punch biopsy.  Before the surgeon did the op he told me I would probably have a small indentation and as it is healing it looks like that will be so. The BCC was removed with large margins rather than me having Mohs so it was expected it may be a larger scar to make sure it was all removed.

    My problem is trying to heal the site where they took the skin graft from, just above my collar bone, as it opened up- I am not worried about the scar that may leave but have no idea just yet how that will look so I shall wait and see. M x

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Hi, SisterM, your lucky in a way I got a phone call on New Years Eve to say I had BCC and will have to go back in and have Mohl  - I'll receive an appointment sometime in the next 3 months, and my biopsy scar is healing quite well. If you do decide to try the Dermaflage I suggest you get it on Ebay as it's the only UK site I've found (Amazon may do it) as the first lot I got took  5 weeks to arrive from USA were as the Ebay one only took a few days.  I made a note of the item number for you as it has some good photo's on it.  Item number is :  130949602977.    If you do end up getting  some don't forget it goes over makeup or concealer.  I found out about it from a makeup artist who had worked in the film industry where it's used a lot! She showed me photo's of Cameron Diaz before and after useing the Dermaflage - she has really bad acne and chicken pox scars and the results where amazing. It's nice to know the stars aren't  as perfect as they look.  Take a look at the pics anyway even if you don't buy any it's nice to know that there's something out there that may help you feel better.  I.m hoping I wont need to trawl it on by the bucket load after my Mohls op. but looking on the bright side at least I'll look like a Hollywood Star or my nose will - Hugh Jackmans! 

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Thanks for the extra info. Lee - I shall take a look.  Waiting for the appointments is the worse part of all this but knowing they check to see they have it all is worth the Mohs (although of course I do not know if that surgery was any better than mine) I was told they test as they go with Mohs so they take as little as possible when removing the BCC - I thought I was lucky when the biopsy came back showing BCC though and not something worse!

    Your sense of humour will carry you forward though - if you can laugh at yourself I think it makes life a little easier. I was also treated really well during all my treatment so I was twice lucky too. Will be thinking of you, keep in touch and let us know how you go on. Mx

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Hi, just wondered how your nose and skin graft site are healing, well I hope? Will you have to go back for regular check ups from now on or are you supposed to just check your self?

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Hi Lee, nose healing very well but having trouble with the skin graft site - nothing too bad but will be happier when it has healed.  There is a small indentation in the scar on my nose but as I can still see the patches of the graft at present I thought I would delay putting any 'product' of any sort on it just yet. Mx

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Hi SisterM glad nose is healing will you have to go back to the hospital for regular check-ups or is that it now are you all signed off?  I've got mu Mohs surgery on Thursday - been told to allow 8 hours  incase   they have to keep repeating the treatment as it's about 2 hours wait in between  each treatment while they check the slides. They said to bring a packed lunch as you get to wait in the waiting room in between  sessions - which will entertain the other clients (or scare them half to death) sitting there with a big dressing on my nose , numb face, trying to eat a sandwich - don't think I'll try a cup of tea could be messy!! Lee x

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Hi Lee, yes I go back to the hospital for a check up in March (am just in touch with the dressings clinic via telephone to keep a check on the graft site wound). 

    Originally, I was expecting to have Mohs surgery at a hospital where I used to work - my friend is manager of Pharmacy Dept. which is next door to where I would have been. I am telling you this as she had said we could have lunch and a chat in between the 'waiting' time it took to check results, she said they see patients in that position all the time - I thought they wanted a laugh at my expense too! lol. What she was saying was that it did not seem such an ordeal for the clients and that it means they only take as much away as is absolutely necessary as they are checking as they go.  Mine was done with very wide margins to make sure it was all removed - I am a little older than a lot of the folk who go through this (I think) so I was not quite as worried about how it looked as I may have been had I been 'in my youth'. Even after saying that, my nose is not looking bad so far and as a few have said on here before you have to give it all time to heal fully so I am hoping for the best! I presume you will not need a skin graft and that the wound will be small enough to close which will be even better!

    I shall be thinking of you - please let me know how you go on - all I can do is reassure you that it is not as painful as you imagine beforehand and is over much more quickly than you expect too - they do these things on a daily basis and guide you through every step of the way! God Bless hope to hear soon. Mx