Mum in Law diagnosed pancreatic cancer

1 minute read time.
My husbands mum was seen by general surgery consultant last Monday after previously having had ultrasound and body scan We were told there was a tumour on her pancreas and cluster showing on her liver - I understand that it is difficult to dianose in the early stages Unfortunately as was spread to liver was inoperable and the way forward was to have a biopsy to the liver to confirm consultants diagnosis - we went home in a daze Later in the afternoon - telephone call from nurse to arrange biopsy for next day - 9am Arrived admissions ward 8.30am and allocated bed At 1.30pm mum-in-law was transferred for procedure - I took father-in-law to find him some lunch At 3.30pm we went to ward 7 no mum, try ward 37 again no mum, told to wait in the day room about 4.30pm ward clerical staff came looking for us mum had been asking for us - we went to Angiplasy unit where mum was very upset as the nurses had been trying to find us for 2 hours At 5pm mum transferred to ward 37 as Angiplasy unit was closing As mum was not too well she was eventually told she ad to stay overnight - I got my father-in-law home at 8.30pm after 11 hours at the hospital We were all exhausted and mum really wanted to come home with us Mum is in a daze, as we all are, and dad cant understand why there are no drugs to kill the cancer We have been told today mum has an appointment with chemo consultant on Wednesday I have looked at the blogs, and forums and been on chatrooms twice - but seems that pancreatic cancer is not discussed very much - does any one have any advice on what to expect re chemo etc
  • FormerMember

    Just collected Mum from hospital it took all day but we finally left at 7,15 pm

    Shes weak and confused but just so glad to be home - she went to bed when we got back

    The Oncology doctors came to talk to us (mum dad and myself) before we left - they were very open and told us that they cant give mum anymore chemo as she is not well enough - I totally agree with this - but it was a bit of a shock for mum and dad

    Dont know what this means - whether to expect improvement or not - but mum was relieved to be coming home

    We just have to take it one day at a time and help mum to enjoy what ever time she has left

  • FormerMember

    Mums now got cellulitis on here leg - she been having antibiotics capsules for 7 days now but it looked worse today - so outofhours gp came and she now has to have intravenus antibiotics for 5 days to try to clear it up

    This is probably due to low immunity or her diabetes - as if she hasnt got enough to deal with - hey ho

    just another hurdle to jump over

  • FormerMember

    Mum has been poorly this weekend - sickness started Sunday evening and continued thro to Monday

    Nurse came 3 pm to give intravenous antibiotics and called GP - he prescirbed anti sickness injection

    Pleased to say Mum looks better today altho still not eating

  • FormerMember

    I hope things are a bit more settled for yr Ma in law. What a rocky road you are all travelling. So far we are paddling in the shallows in comparison - but then you can't really compare can you?

    Are you managing to keep yourself together in among all this illness? How do you find nurture for yourself?

    Thinking about you all


  • FormerMember


    Good to see your post - Mum is a little better but still no energy and not eating much

    We all have our own journey and its difficult for us all

    I find I am spending most evenings online and joining the great people in the chat room - feel I have many cyber friends to fall back on and help me when Im feeling down

    Thinking of you and Ali on your journey

    Luv Christine