liver secondary

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liver/ prostrate// blood vessels/
  • FormerMember


    Im in same situation with muminlaw she is so tired not wanting to eat we have to encourage her

    I agree with 'not letting animals suffer like this' but they let our families suffer - WHY?

    Thinking of you


  • FormerMember

    dad has been in hospital for a week, came home today and has been fitted with a leg cathiter bag, he is to poorly for an operation. he is very yellow looking and is looking more like a skeleton by the week. He is not eating or drinking much and sleeps all the time, his liver is now huge and his legs are very swollen, he is so confused as well. there is no stoping this cancer when it starts to spread , it has gone to kidneys, legs, back and prostate, bladder & bowel. Bless him he was so upset today and said he felt like a baby having to wear what he called a nappy and bag. The only good thing is that they have his pain better controlled .

  • FormerMember

    thanks chris. dad came home today, see my update blog. Hows your mum inlaw doing.  My head is wrecked, i drive 75 miles a day and the hospital doctors & nurses are so used to this illness and dont really tell you much, they appear not bothered, when you are asking them what is happening it feels like i am haveing to extract information from them,

  • FormerMember


    it seems to be the same as when mum was in hospital - the doctors went to see mum and told her what was going on but when we visited - mum had forgot what they said - so i went to ask and was told mums been spoken to by the doctors

    in the end i told them its great that u talk to and treat mum but we need to know whats happening too

    it was about 40 miles round trip for me plus picking up and dropping off dad - including working it was 12 hour days most of the time and it is certainly draining

    Luv Chris

  • FormerMember

    Hi Suzanne, so sorry to hear your dad is deteriorating so quickly.  It must have been awful for you when he got upset, I can fully understand his despair.  Good that he is not in so much pain.  Don't know what else to say except, I am thinking of you all.  My very best wishes to you and your family.  Christine xx