The beginning of the end

1 minute read time.
Well 23rd dec 2011 was the day my world was turned upside down. Friday 23rd December was the day I was told that people with cancer as advanced as mine are dead within 6 months and most of the rest within 12 months. Happy Fucking Christmas to you too!!! So we did what anyone who has just been told that this may be your last Christmas and went to burger king. The last lot of chemo hadn't worked as well as quiet hoped and the cancer has spread blocking a tube to my kidney and is pushing against the lower part of my spine and has infected my lymph nodes in my stomach. I'm to have radiotherapy once which is only given for palative pain releif. Had a beautiful Christmas with friends and family. But I'm in a lot of pain with my leg and knee. The tumour is pushing Against a nerve which gives me siatica. But I've also got a really sore knee which is bei g investigated - appointment with othorpedic next week to determin of its cancer related or not. My knee is really getting Me down cause its effecting my mobility apart from that I feel ok. So what goes through your head when your told your going to die a lot sooner than you planned. Well I'm probably still in shock m initial thought is well ill be one of the small percent who live longer than a year. Then I worry about the people I'll leave behind. The most important thing is making sure I enjoy the time I have left with the people who matter. So plans are in place to move the wedding forward as we speak so watch this space.
  • FormerMember

    Hi, sorry about your cancer. I would ust like to add more on the same lines: I was told I should expect about 2-3 years but on visits to outpatients and talking to other patients, it seems 5 years is quite likely too - or even more. I think Drs are so worried about 'giving false hope' that they go a bit the other way, and give you none! I hope you are still out and about? Haven't spotted any updates.