Kezzerbird..dying but expected to work

1 minute read time.

This goverment are clamping down on people who are defruding the system, I am all for these fakers being caught and punished BUT cancer patients who are dying from their desease are being vitimised. I had to go to a work focused interview, if I didn't I could have lost my Incapasity benifit, they have deemed me fit for work even though I am receiving pallitive care, in other words my medical team are trying to buy me more time. Next blow came that DLA are cutting my money by £200 a month leaving me with £110 a week to pay for everything, can someone please tell me how I am supposed to live on that, I have lost my mobility because I can walk 300 to 400 yards only on my best days which are getting fewer, I barely go out anymore because this treatment is effecting me greatly. I don't know if the next treatment I receive will improve my quality of life but I have very little quality now and it is not because I am fighting this cancer with everything I have. I now have to appeal against DLA and I am running out of strength. I can't even die in peace. I have cancer which is killing me and I am ok to work and live on sod all. I can fight the cancer but fighting the system. My mac nurse and medical team and the mac/CAB are on the case. This site should start a campaign because this is going on with others in my position and the ones who don't need help are getting away with it because they know the system. I can't believe this is going Carol xx

  • FormerMember

    I know I only have breast cancer, but I was so frightened of losing my home and not being able to live,eat keep warm due to finances, that I prolonged my operation. to the degree i had to work enough to put away some money for my home, now  the cancer is in the wall of my chest and im no better of. I lose my job if i cant go back within 3 weeks.

    When will they stop robbing us of our rights and look at real fraudsters.

    Im also disabled and was lucky to get a job in the first place.

    I wonder what they will do when its their turn or the turn of their loved ones?

    I dont even get the 69.00.

    When Ive sold everything i own im done. Hope they have other ways to support me then.

    Lord help people with terminal cancer cos the government dont appear to want to!

  • FormerMember

    Hi Carol

    I often read your blogs, and i am always in awe of your strength, Your blog today is one of the saddest i have ever read because it reveals what our country has become,our government is out there shooting their mouths off promising obscene amounts of money to other countries interferring in other countries business and generally wasting our money,the last government allowed the banks to bring us to our knees, though strangely they still pay themselves massive rewards for failure, all this mismanagement of public money goes unchallenged as they try to claw it back from the most vulnerable members of society, the way they are treating you is a disgrace it is totaly against the whole concept of a caring society, i am embarrassed that you should have to manage on handouts at all, let alone be quizzed,  after all you do have medical records that can easily be checked, you deserve better than this i do hope you are successfull in getting more money being ill is an expensive business and the last thing you should have to worry about is money, wish i was rich i would solve that particular problem in a heart beat but all i can offer is a bib cyber hug love and you just keep fighting lol Lynxxxxxxxx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Carol,what a carry on,eh! Get that appeal lodged asap!!

    As for the fraudsters, facebook says it all ! I have seen photos of people who are on the high rate mobility  allowance having a ball on the dance floor with not a sign of a bad leg or back!!

    Big hugs,  Alison.x

  • FormerMember

    This has annoyed me so much, fighting cancer and trying to win some extra time, is tough enough , any extra hassle just seems overwhelming.

    I have written off to my MP and joined the Macmillan campaign, get your local MP involved , think of all the goodwill he'd get when he gets it resolved quickly

    fingers crossed and wishing you all the best


  • FormerMember


    That has moved me so much, I borrowed a few lines and e-mailed my MP.

    Its really a question of numbers and accountants at the moment, no thought for who it affects.

    All the best
