Kezzerbird and the wetsuit!!!!

1 minute read time.

I went out yesterday and invested in a good wetsuit for myself, so now all I have to do is wait until the conditions are right for body boarding. 40 years ago I had a poron board and us kids used to be catching waves all day, didn't need a wetsuit back then!!!!!! I amused myself no end in the shop, I know nothing about wetsuits, so i collered a sales girlie for advice. She picked me out this wetsuit, black with pink flashes on it and off I went into the changing room. First Dory moment.... does the zip go at the front or the back? I opened the door and asked, much to the amusement of other customers...right the zip goes at the back!!!!! Have you ever tried to put a wetsuit on......I was knackered by the time I squeezed myself into this one. Anyone standing outside the changing room must have wondered what the hell I was doing...there was a lot of grunting and snorting going on but once on it fitted really well, the sales girl said I could go for a smaller one, but I thought no, I like breathing!!!!! It is the best corset in the world girls, sucks every thing in, but where does the acess wobberly bits go, that is the question?  I can't wait to get body boarding, it will be two goals achieved.....One..getting back in the sea again, hopefully there will be no great white sharks out playing a chello!!!! (JAWS) and I shall learn to body board, right on guys. I shall make sure that I have some pictures done!!!!

I am fighting to keep little Gismo alive, the parents have stopped feeding it, poor little thing, he/she made it through the night and I am trying to feed Gismo, Mother nature can be a real cow some times and we have to lend a helping hand, I hope this works. I shall do my best. Love and hugs to those who want them.....Love the Rubber Kezzerbird!!!!! xxxx

I am not dying of cancer, I am living with it

  • The secret to getting into a wet suit is.... (drum roll) TALCUM POWDER! Try dusting yourself and the suit; it can work wonders. My beloved used to do a lot of body boarding but now swears his wet suit has 'shrunk' lol.

    Poor Gismo. I hope you can pull him through.


  • FormerMember

    Oh the picture of it in my mind, wish I had been in the shop. Good Luck.

    Awww poor Gismo I will pray for him too poor lile fella!!!!!!!

    Love Julie XX

  • FormerMember

    The mind boggles Carol, cant wait for the photos.Poor

    Gismo,i hope he/she pulls thru.Do your best Carol.

    Love n Hugs Lucylee. xxxx

  • FormerMember

    oh great just what I need, domatrix Kezzer images in my head all night LOL

    OH NOOOOOOOOOOO poor Gismo, just when I've come to love him/her.  If its too much for you, is there not a rescue centre who have "foster parents" who look after creatures such as this?

    I am soooooooooo looking forward to the photos of your outing in the sea, now where did I leave my fin costume :P

    Love & Strength

    Debs xx

  • Debs you just made me laugh, and Carol you know how you warm up your wet suit don't you ha ha

    otherwise the cold hits you hard.

    good luck with the boarding, funny when we were all kids no one needed to were a rubber suit to swim in the sea, and I mean the north sea not the warm seas you have down there.

    hope gizmo makes it he is in good hands
