The cruel hand of fate

1 minute read time.

I have just been diagnosed with breast cancer, well in fact  just 5 long whole days ago.  I am not sure how I am feeling as it is all still quite surreal i am numb. I think i may have lost touch with reality or in total denial.......................

Before i know it i will be going through a mastectomy in the next  two weeks, i want the slice and dice to be over, i want the chemo now! I want to cry, shout scream and ask the question we probably all do initially WHY.

My family are wonderful but are strugg.ling to come to terms with it and what is ahead, my work colleagues are the best but how can they ever understand. 

I have developed several masks, my work mask is happy go lucky Jules, bring it on I can do this its only CANCER, I am indestructable....................... my home mask is one of lets all be normal and carry on where we left off before the fateful results day I am private mask is o god where do i go from here,o god what will happen, o god how will i get through and it cries quite often.

My MRI scan is next week just to confirm that i have two unwelcome visitors in my breast, they are grade 2 invasive lobular tumors (wow dont i sound so medical) I know I have to be positive but it is so so hard, today is a mediocre day yesterday was a bad day and tomorrow, well its not here yet and who knows what that will bring. I think the cruel hand of fate has already played its part for now.


  • FormerMember

    Jules it does get easier.  I've been where you are now and am a year on from diagnosis. My forst mammogram has come back clear.  Its a scary time for you and your family but you will get through it. You know that we are all here for you - no matter what. xx

  • FormerMember

    Hello Jules and welcome to the place nobody really wants to be but hey, I've had some fantastic help and support from all the people here and I hope I've been able to add a little stardust too!  You WILL get through this, you have no choice but you must be open with your family and share your utter despondancy - you will all need eachother.  My breast cancer was diag. in 2007 and you are welcome to read about me if you want but I am still here!  I didn't have chemo either as was too ill at the time.  Medicine today is so far advanced more and more breast cancers are dealt with and lots of us are still living the dream.  But this is your beginning and I wish you all the strength and love in the world.  When you go into hospital, treat yourself to some lovely pyjamas, the very best dressing gown and lots of goodies as its time to be good to YOU!. Ann x

  • FormerMember

    Hi - i only joining Macland this weekend, i am an Invasive Lobular Cancer too, from core biopsy it is stage 3 grade 3 apparently, with lymph node involvement.  I have had my mastectomy and have my post op pathology appointment this coming week.  Trying not to think about tomorrow and tell myself there is nothing I can do to change what I will be told tommorrow, so far every path results appt has been depressing news, worse than i anticipated, so i am hoping it will be different tomorrow......

    I decided to share all with close friends as it was too much pressure not to, but with other people I act nonchalant and feel really embarassed, don´t even tell them I have cancer, just don´t want everyone to know, want some cancer free zones in my life........

    I was diagnosed with cancer via MRI with contrast seems the most accurate detector of ILC

    Hope its ok for me to comment on this blog?