RIP sweetheart xxxxxxxx

1 minute read time.

well i started yesterday feeling very sick, i thought it was going to be a disaster, when i put my trousers on they drowned me, i didnt realise id lost so much weight, my mother and sister in law arrived 5 mins before the car and hardly said 2 words to me, makes a change, so me and kids just looked out for each other, i could not believe it their was no room for anyone else the chapel was packed, and the service was everything i could wish for , it was beautiful and julians dr read the euolgy brilliantly ,we arrived to what a beautiful day ,by the levellers , then had snow patrol, run for reflections , which their wasnt a dry eye anywhere, a friend read my poem for me ,also beautifully and we finished with the pompey chimes football song which as i hoped everyone left smiling, their was lots of little footballers and lots of big footballers , and so many friends , some of which sadly i didnt get a chance to speak too as so many people their, i did feel very sad that ju,s mum and sister obviously found the service not to their liking and only spoke to me to say goodbye, but i did what my lovely hubby wanted it was a celebration of a lovely , kind ,warm man , and i know he would be so very proud of me and the kids , yes their was lots and lots of tears , but as well as sad tears their were happy tears , for a very special man, hubby ,friend and dad,

so to today , im exausted ,ive not slept or eaten properly  for two days , my dr has just rung me to see how i am, and asked if i want some sleeping tabs but i said not yet i will keep trying with hot choc for now ,but i do feel better today ,i still have the sense of peace , that ju is with me and i truly believe i have done exactly what he would have wanted, so RIP my sweetheart xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  • FormerMember

    Jenni, you gave your hubby the send off you wanted for him, you and the kids are all that matters now,take care of yourself and you know you have friends in Macland who are always here for you.

    With Loads of HUGS LUCYLEE. XXXX

  • FormerMember

    Hi Jenni, sounds like the day went well and you did him proud.

    My partner Ians funeral was last Friday and i think you will feel a sense of calm now the funeral is over.

    He is definately still with you, as he will be always,

    Much love and strength, Julie xx

  • FormerMember

    Well done Jenni the day sounds brilliant, Ju will have been so proud of you and the kids and would have loved everything you chose.  If others couldn't see that then it is their loss and maybe the only way they can cope with losing him.  

    Keep drinking the hot chocolate and do as I do, last thing every night before going to sleep I tell him "Goodnight, love you" just as we always did.  He's there, watching over us, staying close. Take care xxxxx

  • FormerMember

    Dear Jenni,

    I am so sorry that you have lost your Darling precious husband. You and your children have gone through such a dreadful time, but the service was exactly as he wanted, and you should be very proud of yourself - he would be very proud of you. You take care, he'll always be looking over you

    Love Yvonne xx

  • FormerMember

    Someone once showed me a written piece about "I am only in the next room". It said to keep talking as they would be unseen but listening all the same. It seemed to make sense somehow.

    My instructions for funeral music when and if my luck runs out is 'One fine day' from Puccinis Madame Butterfly as it all starts, and then POW!! 'Wont get fooled again' by the Who. Best rock song ever written.

    Keep talking, he's listening.

    Hugs and love, Bill xxx