DAFFIE's blog

  • Fearful of the outcome of an operation


    Over the past two months, G has become increasingly breathless.  A scan done at Bart's two weeks ago showed fluid building up again in his chest cavity.  Thanfully things move faster in London than in Birmingham.  So, we have accepted the inconvenience and expense of him having the operation to drain the fluid at the London Chest Hospital.

    I have tried so hard not to dwell on what this development might mean, but now…

  • I am a very proud mum.


    Yesterday our younger daughter, Claire, and a five of her friends cycled twenty-five mile on a sponsored ride for the June Hancock Mesothelioma trust.

    They have raised over two thousand pounds, and the money is still coming in.  A fantastic effort from six ladies who normally get together to eat and drink and relax.  Not to be left out nine of their children, ages ranging from five to eleven joined them for stages of the…

  • I don't know whether to laugh or cry Part 2

    New readers start here.
     My husband, (Leading Man) was diagnosed with Mesothelioma in September 2008.  The prognosis was six months to live, or possibly nine with treatment. When UK medicine had given him what limited treatment was available on the NHS, he turned to Professor Vogel of Frankfurt University for help.  The Professor has achieved a much higher survival rate for lung and liver cancer patients by administering…
  • Technical Question

    Whenever I post to a forum, I type my contribution in neat paragraphs. Then, when I post, all that shows is a block of text. Can someone please tell me how change my set up. I thought I was computer literate .......................
  • I don't know whether to laugh or cry

    For new readers, many of us carers try to make light as best we can of our dreadful situations. The following post is written in that vein. Underneath the banter is very frightened wife trying to live with the knowledge that her husband is terminally ill. In the last episode, our gallant leading man (LM) was bravely fighting shingles, and a related eye problem. Now read on. The eye problem is abated, and the…