babydaisy's blog

  • pet scan results the waiting game

    mum gets her pet scan results at 16.00 today so I am keeping my fingers crossed for her and will let you kow later what they said. Just trying to whittle away the time between now and then as this afternoon is really dragging - I hate all this waiting!!
  • One step closer

    well mum saw oncology consultant today and has been told she starts her chemo the week after next. Firstly she has to go next week to see a nurse to check her blood count and kidneys etc before they can start the chemo. She will be having her chemo in stints of 3 weeks at a time, some through a line in hospital and the rest taken at home as tablets. Does anyone know if this is a good type of chemo to have? Am I right…
  • pet scan

    Hi all, mum had her pet scan today and she felt that all went well. Going back on Monday to chat about the findings from the scan and to talk about the plan from here on in. Yet another long weekend waiting for results!!!!
  • I would like to get in contact with other people who have had oesophegal cancer touch their lives in one way or another.

    I am hoping that this website is going to put me in touch with other people who have experienced oesophegal cancer in one way or another. I am interested to know and learn all there is to know and am hoping you lovely people on here can help.
  • at the beginning

    Hi all this is my 1st blog on here. Today my mum got results for her cat scan for her cancer in her oesophagus and was told that it hasn't spread which is good news but her lymph node gland things are enflammed which she is saying is normal due to where the cancer is which is near her stomach. There was talk a few weeks ago about an operation but she has now been told that there is no op and that chemo and radiotherapy…