Another PS.

1 minute read time.

Things I forgot to write here because I'd already written them on Facebook.

The first title of this blog was pretty boring. It takes me time to think of the cleverer stuff. (The Facebook page for my wildlife garden was exactly the same - it started life as "Green Haven" and now it's "50 Shades of Green".) The name came about when I mentioned that if they showed me a bacon sandwich in hospital they wouldn't have to worry about being too close to me -  I'd probably be able to inhale it from clear across the room.

Then another friend asked if the radiation would give me superpowers (See? Title!). I kept to the bacon sandwich theme and I'd like the ability to suck them through solid walls. It went down so well I used the same line on the nurse. Well, it lightened the mood enough for me not to think about the capsule too much and just get on with swallowing it.

Another friend asked if she could be my sidekick. I said of course and now she's Ketchup Girl. It's taking me longer to decide on my own superhero name but I'm leaning towards Mistress Bacon.

Later that night I spotted a spider in my room.  

Spiderman, spiderman
Does whatever a spider can...

Of course the jokes started up on Facebook again. What would happen if a spider bit a radioactive me? Would it inherit my superpowers.... aaaaand I'll let the train of thought derail itself!

I've not seen Spidey since. I hope he's found his way through some unseen crack in the wall and is doing spidery things in the roof garden. I hope I haven't caused him to mutate into a radioactive monster.
He was only little. 
