A frosty morning

1 minute read time.

A great two days, lovely weather , clear and frosty. We took the car out to Stockbridge yesterday, although still didn’t get to eat at Stokes, as was full , so we ended up at the Three Tuns instead. Had a lovely lunch and then a great trip back home, we checked out a couple of other places with potential for some weekends away during the Spring.

The garden had a nice stripy effect this morning as the sunshine cleared away the frost, whilst all the plants had a good covering of white that sparkled in the sunlight.

Large numbers of pheasants at the roadside, we saw some people stopping their cars to pick them up – pheasant for dinner I assume.

We celebrated our Friday with a couple of glasses of champagne when we got home.

Today I read that the asbestos awareness society in America has honored Steve McQueen , as one of the most high profile victims of mesothelioma, the award was collected in his memory by his widow . Always good to see an awareness of asbestos and its risks being raised throughout the world.


  • FormerMember

    Hi !

    When looking inwards offers little comfort, looking outwards can be so uplifting ! 

    Sunshine, on a crisp Winter day . . . Birdsong . . . flowers, dressed in their frosty Winter finery . . .

    Bit of a shame about the pheasants . . . A harmless reminder, perhaps, that Life is a fair mixture of Ups and Downs . . .

    Ian x