Three month check

1 minute read time.

The three month check is due on Friday and I have had my blood taken in preparation.  If I do not get the all clear I will be devastated.  Not so much from the treatment point of view but it putting my life on hold.  Already we want to do things but have to wait the results "just in case".  Last year was a constant wait as we went from one medical appointment to the next.  Don't know if it is just me but I would like to be able to access my blood results and scans so I can have a look for myself and not have to wait for the appointments.  I hate being in limbo.

The holiday was a disaster.  The apartment was bitterly cold and I slept with a cardigan on - unknown of where on the coldest night in UK I am pushing off the one blanket as I am feeling hot.  Well at least I had meals put in front of me and I only went out twice in the whole two months.   My energy levels were so low that I could not even finish one dance.  Maybe this is not the chemo treatment but more to do with when I collapsed before Christmas.  Got a strange pain in my stomach and an indentation I can stick my finger along which I reported to my lovely Mac nurse and will be checked out on Friday.

I know - I need a holiday to get over the holiday!


  • FormerMember

    Oh Jan I am so hoping its ok for you! you have been such a help to me over last few months and I want some good news for you!

    Its horrible waiting for results and living from one appointment to the next, we've done the same over last year. But my friend who had leukemia 2 years ago told me - you cant live like that forever, at some point you have to just take the plunge and start planning things again.

    Fingers crossed for you

    Vikki xxxx

  • FormerMember

    Fingers crossed for you Sol.  I know how you feel about 'waiting for results' - Ispent most of last year doing the same - not feeling I could book anything in advance 'just in case'.  But as Vikki says - sometimes you just have to go for it.


  • FormerMember

    HI Jan,

    Sorry the holiday didn't work out, but I know what youmean whenyou feel like not doing anything even though you're not on treatment.  It seems to take so long to clear out of the system, and as you say, the waiting for results makes things worse.  Fingers crossed all goes well for you, and you can plan again, we're going last!!

    Love n hugs


  • FormerMember

    Thinking of you Solent fingers crossed.

    Love and hugs on the way.


  • FormerMember

    i will have everything crossed for you that it is still good news.. keep strong.

    (((hugs))) love emz xxx