Murderous Dreams

1 minute read time.

Today is my last day at work before I go off for a break and get myself geared up for a slightly less pressured start to radiotherapy. I nearly skipped out of the door but of course I feel awful for going off, even on annual leave in case anyone needs anything. Seriously need to care a bit less about my job I think.

I'm caffeine propelled too today. I got up at 5am in the end because I was devastated that while I was sleeping I'd accidentally murdered my friend teapot. I'd been trying to find a cure for my cancer and I'd only touched his face and he'd turned to dust. I tried to grab the dust ( because naturally I was going to glue him back together again). Only when I tried to grab him the floor started turning to dust too and burning away, making a hole in the ground. I tried to go after him but I was freaking out because I couldn't work out which bits were him and which bits were floor. Woke up really panicked and in tears and after my heart had stopped racing I realised I was clearly a nutter and maybe sleep isn't the best thing for me to take up as a hobby! 

  • FormerMember
    Um yes your clearly losing it, but don't worry i found that the once you totally lose it the world becomes a happy place as you in a different world, its coming back to normal that scares me.
  • FormerMember
    Oh dear hun, that sound like a 'too much cheese before bedtime' dream!! Clearly all this cancer stuff is bobbing around your head. Sometimes we suppress it, but it always finds a way out. Yours in your dreams! Mine comes out in tears and tantrums, and telling people off at work, which gives me a great sense of relief when doing it, but I usually feel bad afterwards when my mood has lifted! Then I have to go and be a bit pleasent to them. Once you get some treatment underway you will feel things are being done and you should be more settled in your mind. Of course the other option is you are actually a nutter and things will stay the same!! Take care hunny, will be thinking of you next week xxxx
  • FormerMember

    Damon you're right, I have lost it but to be honest I think you have an excuse for being worried about going back to normal since you've signed up for a new life as a cross dressing, volleyball playing, belly dancing, well travelled, limbo competing, kareoke singing, Disney film watching, rock star called Jasmine. That's a lot to take on in a new life!

    Honestly my love I don't eat cheese before bed so I might actually be a nutter but yeah I do think it's probably my worries coming out in my sleep. I guess they need to sort themselves out sometime. I'm glad it's not just me that shouts at people. I have a serious guilt complex though and then feel the need to apologise profusely for getting so angry. xxxxx