When is right to return to work!?

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Hey. Well my op was four and a Half weeks ago now, I am getting stronger each day I am now managing to do light bits of house work etc but in still shattered. I have to doctor again this week but when is right for me to go back to work? I don't feel ready yet but I also don't want it to look like I'm taking the piss. I don't know of I should just go back and get on with things. :(
  • FormerMember

    Glad to hear you're getting stronger.  I don't think anyone sensible would see taking a month off after quite significant surgery as taking the p!

    If you're still shattered, you may not be ready to go back yet - can you discuss with your doctor?  You could also consider offering to go back part-time or do a little work from home (even if for just a couple of hours a week to start with) - will show willing, and may help you adjust when you are able to do more hours at work.

  • FormerMember

    Hello Weeaims.  Glad to hear you're getting stronger each day.  Your body will tell you when it's the right time to go back to work, it doesn't sound as if it's just yet.  It's understandable that you still feel shattered, it's only a month since you had a major operation.  I can't imagine your employer can be expecting you back so quickly after surgery.  Enjoy some time at home while you can.  xx

  • FormerMember
    Thanks guys, really appreciate your replies. I think my mind hasn't caught up with my body- if that make a Sense. Even though my scars have healed well at the moment my emotions haven't. I'm now at the stage of this journey that I can't look at them just now, it's too hard. I picked up my prosthetic Nipples, I don't think ill Wear them whilst I wait my nipple and tattoo op- I looked at them, sitting erect on my new supposedly perky boobs, and it looked wrong, I kept thinking "why are my old nipples on my new boobs" it wasn't right. It was hard for me to look at. They'll be good for party pieces I suppose... Im waiting my ultra sound for the breast that is inch bigger So hopefully that won't be too much longer. I just feel bad cause I am not "sick" in the sense that I'm spewing up etc so it feels bad being off. But I know I need to give my body and mind to recover properly. Aims x