Kezzerbird...printer working over time!!!!

1 minute read time.

Hello all my MacLand mates out there. I always wanted to write a book ever since I was a child and I have quietly been typing away when I have been well enough. I was told to write about things that I know about and I know what has gone on in my life for the last two and a half years. My best critic is a mate called Mandy, I gave her some of it to read and watched for her expressions. She cried, smiled,laughed and frowned whist reading, so it must be fairly good. Last night my poor old printer was working overtime and I got quite alot done, my spelling isn't very good anymore, I blame that on all the chemo I've had!!!!!! Also yesterday I had a phone call from ICAS, the independant complaints people to tell me that PALS had not contacted me because my Onc had told them that the problem with me was resolved. WRONG says I, oh no,no,no, my complaint is still going ahead. Bloody cheek, the Bird doesn't get fobbed off that easily!!!!!!!

I have put this 'calcification of my tumours' to the back of my mind now,my body will do what it wants and if some of the little blighters get killed off, then so be it. I have no control over what is going on with me at the moment, so why worry about it, I am just getting on with things while I am well enough before chemo starts again on the 3rd of next month. I shall end this on a hairy note (NO PICS ARE INCLUDED DEBS!) Charlotte my Tarantula has just shed...I thought, why is there another spider in Charlottes tank and then realized DOH! she had done the perfect shed, fangs and all, clever stuff, I thought, when my brain finally got into gear!!!!! She is alot bigger now than she was and she is more beautiful than ever, well to me anyway!!!! Love and hugs to those who want them.....Carol x

  • FormerMember

    Can't wait to read the book, Carol.  Just don't include pictures of shed tarantula skins... I'm with Debs on that!

    Marsha xx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Carol,

                  Your blogs have been an inspiration to me since I joined this site, so a book sounds a brilliant idea. Have you got a title yet? "Kicking ass with Kezzerbird" perhaps, or even the tattoo on your butt complete with full colour picture on the front cover ! It would certainly grab the attention on the bookshelves. Glad that you are sounding relaxed and cheerful and still full of the fighting spirit (fancy your onc thinking everything was resolved - silly man, he will learn!)

                Take care and feel well,

                       Lots of love,

                              lizzie xx

  • FormerMember

    I too have saved my blogs and have got about two hundred pages of the Demise of Roland Ratso and part two Roland's Revenge. I keep promising myself that one day I will edit it and check the spelling but the orad to hell is paved with good intentions and try and get it published. Don't do the same as me ---- go for it. So glad to here that Charlotte the tarant -tula is doing so well. Let's hope the bird is doing the same. DOn't let the bastards grind you down.

    Keep smiling




  • FormerMember


    Good to have you in fighting form.  Someone has to teach your consultant a lesson, and you are just the lady to do it.

    The bird is not to be messed with!

  • FormerMember

    Hi Ya Carol,

    When you have written the Book what about a Film.

    4 Birds and a Trantula. With Debs playing the part of Charlotte. If you like I will play Monty with glasses.. Good Luck with the Book. Tell that Onc of yours to go stick his head up his Ass.

    Take care Mate Big Hugs and Love Jackie Angela &
