How am i suppose to cope?

2 minute read time.

Like my bio says, I've recently been told that my nana has been diagnosed with lung cancer. I've never lost anyone close to me, and I still have all my grandparents, so this is an extremely new experience. Up until a day ago, i was a normal teenager, who thought things like break-ups and detention meant the end of the world. Now it all seems so small, everything feels like nothing in comparison, which i suppose it is. Now for me, heartbroken has taken on a completely new level of meaning. It literally feels like my heart has dried up and crumbled to the pit of my stomach. I'm experiencing emotional pain, in physical form and it's made me hit rock bottom. The reason i decided to join this group, is because I'm not very good at speaking to people in person about my feelings. I prefer hearing advice from people who know nothing about me, but know how to deal with the situation I'm in. My nana has been a consistent smoker from a very young age, and has had problems with her chest from many years. I've always seen her as strong willed, even though she's always been so very frail. I remember from around the age of 7 i'd stay up half the night listening to make sure she was ok. Her sleep would consist of heavy breathing and then cut out into silence for around an hour or so. Even then i always thought nothing bad will ever happen to her, she's my nana, and i've always expected her to be here. When someone has been around from the beginning of your life, you see it fit for them to be there till the end of your life. But in reality, that is never the case, is it? And even then, when loved ones go, you want them to be happy and at ease, no pain involved. Whereas for my nana, the cancer is destroying her, causing her pain. She has not yet started treatment and at the moment i'm not sure if she's going to. My nana has always believed that even after death, the people she loved have been around her, and occasionally give her a little sign. Now before this, i thought she was just a crazy old nana, but now all i can do is hope she's right. On the 10/05/12 i saw my older sister cry for the first time, she cried in the arms of my mum and myself. When we were first told the news, the words i heard where 'lung cancer' after that, the only thing i could hear was my heart thudding in my ears. I'm terrible with words, and all i could manage to do was stare through the window, with my mouth gaping wide open. I'm worried for what the future is going to hold, i hope to keep this blog as up to date as possible. 

  • FormerMember

    Dear little one,

    First of all, I am so sorry to hear of your nana's diagnosis, and send you and your family loving thoughts.  You say that you are not good with words, but you write with such sensitivity and maturity about how you are feeling and I would encourage you to keep up the blog - I have found writing such a release and comfort in similar circumstances and hope that you will too. 

    At the moment you are in deep shock and I know that it will seem impossible to keep this news out of your thoughts for a single moment, but the shock will begin to subside and you will find that you are coping, I promise.  Treat each day as it comes  - I try to deal with one day at a time, and when I have what I call a 'grey cloud day' when I am sad, or fearful (and tearful!) I try to remind myself that the sun will still come up tomorrow and that I do have many good things in my life too.  It seems to help. Don't be scared of your tears, either. Allow them, let the storm pass and then move on.  It is ok to share how you feel with your family too - take strength and comfort from each other - I'm sure you already are.  

    We know that nobody can see into the future, but it is my experience that much can be done to help those in your nana's position, whatever she decides about treatment.  I am sure that you will find Macmillan helpful in lots of ways - the nurses are wonderful, which I expect you know, and just take a look at the main website to see how many different things are on offer to help your nana and support your whole family! 

    I hope that at least something here has been of use to you.  You are not alone!  I will be thinking of you and your family.

    With love,
